Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Discord within Brotherhood for not participating in demo

Al-Masry Al-Youm

"A recent statement by Mohamed al-Beltagy, member of the Muslim Brotherhood group’s Freedom and Justice Party’s executive office, has stirred controversy within the group’s Guidance Bureau. In the statement, Beltagy said the group’s intends to participate in upcoming Tahrir Square demonstrations in order to express solidarity with demonstrators, despite having announced earlier that it would not take part in the demonstration.

Sources from within the group said Beltagy clashed with bureau member Mahmoud Ghazlan over the issue, adding that Ghazlan threatened to resign. However, the group’s leading figure, Ahmed Abu Baraka, denied Ghazlan had made that threat.

Meanwhile, a number of the group’s youths tendered their resignations on Tuesday in protest against the group’s decision to avoid the demonstration.

The group only seeks its own interests,” wrote youth member Taher Nagaty on his Twitter account.

“My colleagues and I did go down to the square,” said young group member Ali Khafagy. “Our leaders are no longer welcomed there.”"

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