Monday, May 14, 2012

Must we stand idly by while world leaders spout this codswallop?

Even Churchill told the Empire that Britain would 'not stand by idly and see Poland trampled'

By Robert Fisk

"Funny how the news agenda gets tired. Like the quotes. Only a couple of months ago, we were all bracing for Israel's attack on Iran's nuclear installations. And for serious pressure on Bashar al-Assad to end his "barbaric campaign". I quote Susan Rice, La Clinton's lady at the UN. And now? Well, Bashar lingers in his palace while Iran goes off the boil. Instead, it's the underpants bomber....

I weary a bit of this stuff. If the CIA and the Brits and the Saudis have really penetrated al-Qa'ida in the Arabian Peninsula – or AQAP, as we are now enjoined to call it, although the acronym sounds a bit like an insurance company – all well and good. But the fact that the Saudis originally supported the Taliban and that al-Qa'ida was until recently led by a Saudi and that most of the 9/11 bombers were Saudis and that an awful lot of other al-Qa'ida men are Saudis, does take the gleam off the cup......"

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