Monday, May 14, 2012

The Parchin Deception

The latest attempt to lie us into war with Iran

by Justin Raimondo, May 14, 2012

"The latest wrinkle in the War Party’s propaganda campaign aimed at Iran is a drawing – yes, you read that correctly – of an alleged nuclear weapons development project at the Parchin military facility. An Associated Press “exclusive” describes this new “evidence” of Iran’s alleged nuclear ambitions:

A drawing based on information from inside an Iranian military site shows an explosives containment chamber of the type needed for nuclear arms-related tests that U.N. inspectors suspect Tehran has conducted there…. The computer-generated drawing was provided to The Associated Press by an official of a country tracking Iran’s nuclear program who said it proves the structure exists, despite Tehran’s refusal to acknowledge it.”

The article goes on to say that “the image is based on information from a person who had seen the chamber at the Parchin military site” – Scout’s honor, cross-my-heart-and-hope-to-die.....

Last time we went around this block the “mainstream” media played the exact opposite of its supposed role as watchdog and fact-checker: instead of looking skeptically at government-provided “evidence” of Iraqi WMD, Western media acted as facilitators and enablers of Washington’s propaganda campaign. We have no reason to expect anything different when it comes to Iran. ......"

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