Monday, July 1, 2013

Egypt army hands Morsi ultimatum

Army gives President Mohamed Morsi and opposition groups 48 hours to calm protests, or face intervention.


'Huge pressure'

Al Jazeera's chief political analyst Marwan Bishara said the statement undermined the authority of Morsi.
"For the army to give the president 48 hours warning, the army are saying who is the boss," he said. "Morsi is no longer the same president as this morning in the eyes of those on the streets."
He said the statement placed "huge pressure" on the president to resolve the protests, "otherwise we can expect army intervention".

"That could be taking over the streets or taking over the government. This message is to the president. This undercuts his authority."

Tamarod, the main opposition group that has organised the protests, said the army tatement showed it was taking the people's side. It urged its supporters to stay on the streets and squares of Egypt until Morsi's rule was ended......."

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