Monday, July 1, 2013

Egypt protests: army issues 48 hour ultimatum - live updates

The Guardian

"Reuters has translated part of the Egyptian army's statement [The statement in Arabic is posted below]:
If the demands of the people are not realised within the defined period, it will be incumbent upon [the armed forces] ... to announce a road map for the future.
The people had expressed their will with unprecedented clarity in the mass demonstrations and wasting more time would only increase the danger of division and violence, army chief-of-staff General Abdel Fattah al-Sisi said.
The army would oversee the implementation of the road map it sought "with the participation of all factions and national parties, including young people", but it would not get directly involved in politics or government, the statement said......

This may be the first time in history that an army has told its people it plans to launch a coup d'etat

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