Monday, July 1, 2013

Egypt military laying groundwork for new transitional phase: Military analysts

Military sources tell Ahram Online that Monday's ultimatum by armed forces reflected decision to side with demands of the people

Ahram Online
Abdel Fattah Sisi
Egyptian Defence Minister General Abdel Fattah Sisi (Photo: Reuters)

"Former deputy head of Egypt's General Intelligence apparatus Hossam Khairallah told Ahram Online that the armed forces' statement on Monday afternoon – giving political forces 48 hours to resolve the current political crisis – was "clear," stressing that all the chances the military had given to President Mohamed Morsi's regime had fallen on deaf ears.

On Monday afternoon, the Egyptian Armed Forces issued a televised statement giving political forces 48 hours to "fulfil the people's demands." Otherwise, he said, the armed forces would present a political "roadmap" for the country that would include all political currents.
Khairallah said the legitimacy of Morsi as president had expired, and that the 48-hour deadline set by the armed forces was intended for him to prepare his resignation speech.

Major-General Gamal Mazloum, a military expert, said that the army was rightfully fulfilling its role as protector of national security, denying that the institution had overstepped its mandate or was striving to overthrow the regime. 
On the contrary, Mazloum said that the armed forces had tried to support the Morsi regime, despite all the abuses it suffered at the hands of the Islamists......."

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