Monday, July 1, 2013

In Egypt, we thought democracy was enough. It was not

Mohamed Morsi broke his promises to the Egyptian people. He must go, and the revolution must continue

in Cairo
The Guardian,
"On Sunday Egypt staged gigantic protests, the culmination of an original experiment in mobilisation, where millions signed a document demanding the resignation of President Mohamed Morsi of the Muslim Brotherhood. On Monday the military stepped in. Its chief, General Abdel Fattah al-Sisi, issued a statement giving political parties 48 hours to deliver "the demands of the people".

Till then, Morsi had been holding on tight. The Brotherhood says that when Egyptians elected Morsi, they entered into an unbreakable contract to keep him for four years. The protesters say he was elected on a stated commitment to the goals of the revolution and promises he made, and that he's broken every one of those. So Morsi has broken his contract with the electorate....."

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