Thursday, November 13, 2014

Israeli army: Jordan's security coordination with Israel growing

عباس يطلع العاهل الأردني على الخطة الفلسطينية


Israeli Army Radio said today that US Secretary of State John Kerry will be visiting Jordan today to ask King Abdullah II to intervene to put an end to the tensions in Jerusalem and Al-Aqsa Mosque.
Army Radio also said that Kerry has expressed great concern over the events in Jerusalem, noting that the US believes that Jordan is able to help calm the situation.
Jacky Hugi, Middle East editor for Israel's Army Radio, disregarded the statements made by the head of the Jordanian parliament saying that Israel's actions in Jerusalem are no less dangerous than those of the Islamic State (ISIS).
In a comment on Jordan's position on the situation, Hugi added: "Where Jordan and the PA [Palestinian Authority] are concerned, there is always a difference between their statements and their actions. These officials only pay the expense of their words. Despite the head of the Jordanian parliament's criticism of Israel, the exchange of intelligence information, security cooperation, and strategic coordination between Tel Aviv and Amman is growing in an unprecedented manner these days."
Hugi also said that while the President of the PA Mahmoud Abbas is criticising Israel harshly, he is still allowing security coordination to continue, noting that the heads of the Israeli army praise the PA security agencies.

The PA reassures Israel

Ashraf Al-Ajrami, former minister for prisoner affairs at the PA and who is very close to Abbas, has reassured the Israelis that the PA is concerned with controlling the situation, adding that the PA security services are tracking resistance cells aiming to influence the current situation.
In an interview conducted by Israel's Army Radio today, Al-Ajrami referred to the testimonies made by the Zionist military officials which state that the PA is cooperative.
Al-Ajrami also commented on the letter sent by Abbas to the family of the martyr Moataz HIjazi, who was shot by Israeli police after they suspected him of attempting to assassinate right-wing Rabbi Glick, a prominent activist supporting the demolition of Al-Aqsa, in which Abbas referred to Hijazi as "the protector of the Palestinian people", saying, "Abbas did not mean to praise his actions, he was consoling the family because the army could have arrested him and put him on trial, but instead chose to kill him."
He added: "What was said in Abbas's letter was just words that are typically said in such a situation. Abu Mazen is against even the throwing of rocks, and the actions of the PA and its institutions are proof of this."

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