Thursday, November 13, 2014

Israeli security official: Arab countries have intervened to stop protests in Jerusalem

Amos Gilad claims that 'the level of incitement' in Jerusalem may decline
Amos Gilad claims that 'the level of incitement' may decline

Arab states have intervened to stop the "incitement" to demonstrate in Jerusalem and Al-Aqsa Mosque, a senior Israeli official revealed yesterday.

In an interview on Israeli Army Radio, the Director of the Political-Military Affairs Bureau at Israel's Defence Ministry, Amos Gilad, explained that the efforts of the Arab countries that intervened in response to a political movement in Jerusalem "yielded positive results", claiming that "the level of incitement" may decline.
Gilad stressed that the efforts of Arab countries "are followed up" by the efforts of Israeli forces to contain Palestinian protests, mainly through political arrests, home demolitions and blocking worshippers from entering Al-Aqsa Mosque.
Gilad said he had been giving strict orders by the Israeli government not to embarrass the Arab countries that came to Israel's aid.
He emphasised that many Arab countries are not interested in seeing a conflict ignite in the region and this explains their enthusiasm to help contain Palestinian resistance efforts. Gilad explained that Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas is also not keen on seeing the uprising in Jerusalem spread into the West Bank.

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