Friday, December 23, 2011

Damascus explosions fit neatly into the Syrian regime's official narrative

A Portrait of the Man Behind the Car Bombings in Damascus

Regime officials have long blamed al-Qaida for the uprising. Now they will say they have been proved right

Martin Chulov, Friday 23 December 2011

"....But any sorrow for the victims must surely be mitigated by the fact that the incidents fit straight into the official narrative: anti-regime activists weren't peaceful protesters wanting reform after all, and talk of peaceful change was always a veneer for the stalking horse of al-Qaida. Regime officials have made this their mantra since violence started to escalate in late summer.....

Outside the capital, where the uprising is playing out, opposition groups and the militia that calls itself the Free Syria Army are deeply suspicious of Friday's events and just as wary of the Arab League delegation, which is being led by Sudan's former intelligence chief, General Mohammed al-Dabi – a man who was at the helm during the genocide in Darfur.....

Not one defector I have spoken to in the past six months has seen or heard of any member of al-Qaida or a jihadi organisation inside Syria since the revolt began.

To them, the regime's insistence of a foreign-backed insurgency manned by highly mobile jihad groups who consistently outmanoeuvre the Syrian army is pure self-serving fantasy.....

And after these blasts, the regime can boast that they were right all along. The enduring question is who will believe them."


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