Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Swiss Musée de l'Elysée withdraws from racist Lacoste prize (which deemed the work inappropriate for being "pro Palestinian")

Artist Larissa Sansour Speaks Out About Her Ejection From the Lacoste Art Prize for Being "Too Pro-Palestinian"

"Olive Tree," from Larissa Sansour's "Nation Estate" project

Politically-charged censorship or crisis-management gone horribly wrong? The tale of Palestinian multimedia artist Larissa Sansour's dramatic removal from the shortlist of the 2011 Lacoste Elysée Prize appears to have torpedoed the French luxury-goods brand's association with Lausanne institution Musée de l'Elysée, which on Wednesday evening announced that it was immediatley cancelling its partnership to host the 25,000 photography award, now only in its second year.


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