Sunday, December 18, 2011

In Pictures: Tahrir square burns

(Click on photos to enlarge)

Nine people have been killed and over 300 wounded in Tahrir square as protesters clash with military troops and police.

Lazar Simeonov

"Clashes erupted again in Tahrir Square after Egypt's security forces moved to retake control of the area - killing nine and wounding over 300.

There were simultaneous protests in Tahrir Square and in front of nearby cabinet offices. Protesters had been camped outside of the offices since November 25 when they branched off from the larger demonstrations in Tahrir Square. After security forces began erecting razor wire barriers on access roads in the area, protesters began throwing stones and molotov cocktails against troops and police.

Protesters soon fled into side streets to escape the assault - troops were heavily beating protesters and live ammunition was fired. According to witnesses, the army used unnecessary force and once they charged at protesters they beat whoever was in their way - youth, elderly people and food and drink vendors on the square...."


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