Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Americans Express Historic Negativity Toward U.S. Government

Several long-term Gallup trends at or near historical lows


"PRINCETON, NJ -- A record-high 81% of Americans are dissatisfied with the way the country is being governed, adding to negativity that has been building over the past 10 years....The findings are from Gallup's annual Governance survey, updated Sept. 8-11, 2011. The same poll shows record or near-record criticism of Congress, elected officials, government handling of domestic problems, the scope of government power, and government waste of tax dollars.

Key Findings:

* 82% of Americans disapprove of the way Congress is handling its job.
* 69% say they have little or no confidence in the legislative branch of government, an all-time high and up from 63% in 2010....."

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