Zoabi said: "When asking me to compare between ISIS and the Israeli army, I explained to the journalist that the question was not related to the subject of the interview, although it was good that he was aware that there were grounds for comparison between the two, and that it wasn't absurd or illogical."
Zoabi also told Arabs 48: "Although the journalist left this out of my answer, at the beginning of the answer, I stressed that ISIS is a barbaric anti-humane movement and had no core values. I also said that it is opposed to the aspirations of the Arab people and against their revolutions which call for justice, democracy and individual rights, and that they are not only against the Arab regimes, but also against the communities and the achievements of the Arab people."
She said that in her interview she had stressed that the Israeli army does not need to be compared to any other party, ISIS or any other party, in order to highlight its violence and its hostility towards people and values, as the army's systematic crimes and daily violations are enough to categorise it as being anti-human rights and as committing war crimes. It belongs in international courts, she said.
None of this was reported by the Israeli journalist who conducted the interview. He did, however, quote Zoabi saying: "Advanced technology is more fatal than a knife. One kills barbarically, while the other releases bombs from their aircraft and only feels 'a blow in the wing'. One looks into the eyes of their victims while the other strikes from afar. One kills one person at a time while aerial missiles and artillery shelling kills hundreds at a time. One boasts their barbarism while the other pretends to be civilised and humane." Zoabi said: "Yes, I did say this and I emphasise it."
The Arab member of the Knesset ended by saying: "I forgot to mention to the young journalist that the terrorist organisation ISIS is against its people and its people are against it, whereas the Israeli army is not against its people nor are its people against it. On the contrary, the people are proud of the army and its murderous terrorism."
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