Mashaal in Cairo: Hamas Will Be Positive Force in Region
"10/06/2009 Hamas politburo Chief Khlaed Mashaal said Tuesday night that "Hamas will be a positive force in helping to find a fair solution to the Palestinian people and enabling them to fulfill their rights. Hamas will not be an obstacle. Everyone knows that Israel is the obstacle."
Mashaal and other Hamas leaders have expressed optimism about the apparent change in US policy toward the Israeli-Arab conflict [Dream on! Wishful Arab thoughts never die. It has been like this for over 70 years! First, the hope and the begging was in London (before 1948); now the salvation comes from Washington! The Palestinians are immune to learning, and that is why they are losing it all.] under the administration of President Barack Obama. "President Obama speaks a new language, but we expect real pressure on Israel," he said......"
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