By Franklin Lamb - Hezbollah Election HQ, Dahiyeh
Palestine Chronicle
"....No Major Change
As one who has been able to observe some events in this country firsthand, sometimes being granted unique opportunities, this observer has tried to see events with the eye of a conscientious witness and reporter, interested in passing along, the truth as best it can be divined. Yet it is a struggle as one observes events first hand and whose sympathies and concerns and respect for the people of Lebanon and their unwelcomed Palestinian guests are not neutral.
The June 7, 2009 election did little to change the political landscape here. It was never a question of an Islamic Republic if the Opposition had decisively prevailed or that Hezbollah’s weapons would be decommissioned before Lebanon was able to defend itself. Nor was it in question that a slim majority by either side would not require a renewed commitment to the Taef accord calls and the full implementation of all the clauses and the need for Parliament to enact a modern electoral law based on proportional representation which a majority in Lebanon desire.
With regard to the noisy issue of arms of the resistance, there remains insufficient political will in Lebanon to force the issue in Parliament although Israel has wasted no time insisting on it.
The new Parliament has important business to conduct from granting women rights including the right to confer nationality on their children, to aid the Palestinian refugees with civil rights until the return to their Country and many other pressing social issues.
The National Lebanese Resistance sprung from its people in every village, seeking to defend a Zionist terrorized Lebanon, staking their lives on their basic belief in God and the independence and sovereignty for their country and the Liberation of Palestine.
Nothing changed this yesterday.
As this era of Resistance to Zionism spreads around the World and intensifies here and abroad, every hour that Lebanon resists brings the region closer to justice and real peace.
Nothing changed this yesterday. "
"....No Major Change
As one who has been able to observe some events in this country firsthand, sometimes being granted unique opportunities, this observer has tried to see events with the eye of a conscientious witness and reporter, interested in passing along, the truth as best it can be divined. Yet it is a struggle as one observes events first hand and whose sympathies and concerns and respect for the people of Lebanon and their unwelcomed Palestinian guests are not neutral.
The June 7, 2009 election did little to change the political landscape here. It was never a question of an Islamic Republic if the Opposition had decisively prevailed or that Hezbollah’s weapons would be decommissioned before Lebanon was able to defend itself. Nor was it in question that a slim majority by either side would not require a renewed commitment to the Taef accord calls and the full implementation of all the clauses and the need for Parliament to enact a modern electoral law based on proportional representation which a majority in Lebanon desire.
With regard to the noisy issue of arms of the resistance, there remains insufficient political will in Lebanon to force the issue in Parliament although Israel has wasted no time insisting on it.
The new Parliament has important business to conduct from granting women rights including the right to confer nationality on their children, to aid the Palestinian refugees with civil rights until the return to their Country and many other pressing social issues.
The National Lebanese Resistance sprung from its people in every village, seeking to defend a Zionist terrorized Lebanon, staking their lives on their basic belief in God and the independence and sovereignty for their country and the Liberation of Palestine.
Nothing changed this yesterday.
As this era of Resistance to Zionism spreads around the World and intensifies here and abroad, every hour that Lebanon resists brings the region closer to justice and real peace.
Nothing changed this yesterday. "
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