News Analysis
by Khalid Amayreh "While logistical preparations are underway for the November peace conference, reportedly to take place in Annapolis, there are few signs, if any, suggesting that the much-heralded American sponsored effort will succeed in achieving what dozens of previous conferences, meetings, and initiatives failed to achieve......
Last week, Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert said he believed that the main goal of the upcoming conference shouldn’t be “peacemaking” but rather preparing the right environment for enabling true peacemaking to materialize.....
If seeing is believing, the phantasmagoric images of murdered Palestinian children, mutilated to pieces of scattered human flesh by heavy Israeli artillery bombardment of heavily-populated neighborhoods suggest that Israel is interested more in shedding the blood of Palestinian school children to pieces and less in pursuing peace......
As to the Palestinian and other Arab players, it is sufficiently obvious that they are acting and behaving like beggars, not equal partners.Indeed, while Israel was slaughtering his people in Gaza and denying Palestinians their natural right to access Muslim holy places in East Jerusalem ,
Fatah Chairman Mahmoud Abbas held another warm meeting with Israeli Foreign Minister who, in characteristic arrogance, told him that these Palestinian civilians, murdered by the Israeli war machine, were killed for the sake of peace. The Zionist official actually stopped short of asking Abbas to thank Israel for killing these helpless innocent victims.....
However, Abbas’s assertions will mean nothing if they are not backed up by hard political stands on the ground.
But the fact that Abbas has been acting like a beggar, and for that matter an undignified one, shows that he either doesn’t mean what he says, or doesn’t say what he means.....
In fact, the US, especially this fascist and conspicuously anti-Arab, anti-Muslim and anti-Palestinian administration, has always had a deep romantic involvement with Israeli criminality, fascism and territorial expansion.....
More to the point, apart from US complicity, there are real fears that the Bush administration may be using the upcoming conference as another show for hatching plans to attack a major Muslim country in the Middle East . If so,
the Arab regimes attending the conference would be justifiably seen as “accomplices” and quislings working in cahoots with the Bush administration against Iran ......
I am saying that because
as long as US interests are not harmed, or at least hurt, not through violence, the American people will not press their government and Jewish-controlled senators and congressmen, to extricate American politics and policies from the Zionist stranglehold.
It is true,
Palestine and Palestinians won’t be free from Zio-Nazism until and unless the American people and their government are free from AIPAC and the hateful Jewish lobby. Former President Jimmy Carter and some prominent symbols of the American academia have realized this cardinal reality.
So, why can’t these Arab regimes see the same reality.?Let them begin with some symbolic steps to liberate themselves from subservience to Jewish-controlled America.
How about demanding Euros instead of dollars for their oil?[
dream on Khalid]"