Saturday, August 17, 2013
اللجان الشعبية بالهرم تفرض إتاوات على المواطنين
Ahhhhh.....The Egyptian Military is Still "Restoring Democracy"......
"يشهد شارع الهرم الآن حالة من الذعر بين المواطنين العائدين إلى منازلهم حيث تقوم إحدى اللجان الشعبية المتواجدة أسفل نفق الهرم والتي تضم مجموعة من البلطجية بالاستيلاء على متعلقات المواطنين تحت تهديد الأسلحة النارية والبيضاء ولم تتواجد اى قوات للشرطة أو الجيش لحماية المواطنين.
قام عدد من البلطجية ، بإشعال النيران فى إطارات السيارات ، مهددين قائدى السيارات، بتكسير سياراتهم حال رفضهم دفع اتاوات نظير مرورهم على المحور ،واشترط البلطجية ان يدفع كل قائد سيارة اتاوات نظير المرور. "
"يشهد شارع الهرم الآن حالة من الذعر بين المواطنين العائدين إلى منازلهم حيث تقوم إحدى اللجان الشعبية المتواجدة أسفل نفق الهرم والتي تضم مجموعة من البلطجية بالاستيلاء على متعلقات المواطنين تحت تهديد الأسلحة النارية والبيضاء ولم تتواجد اى قوات للشرطة أو الجيش لحماية المواطنين.
قام عدد من البلطجية ، بإشعال النيران فى إطارات السيارات ، مهددين قائدى السيارات، بتكسير سياراتهم حال رفضهم دفع اتاوات نظير مرورهم على المحور ،واشترط البلطجية ان يدفع كل قائد سيارة اتاوات نظير المرور. "
It’s not about Democracy: Top Ten Reasons Washington is Reluctant to cut off Egypt Aid
Posted on 08/17/2013 by Juan Cole
"another 80 people died in violence in Egypt on Friday, as Muslim Brotherhood crowds protested the military crackdown on their sit-ins that cost hundreds of lives this week. Some of the violence resulted fro police heavy-handedness, some from an armed Brotherhood attack on a police station. The continued unrest upped the pressure on the Obama administration to cut off military aid to Egypt. It is the only legal and ethical thing to do, but here are some reasons it has been difficult for Washington to take that step.
1. The US doesn’t give much aid to the Egyptian people per se. Only $250 mn a year out of $1.55 bn is civilian. The aid is to cement a relationship between the Egyptian officer corps and the Pentagon.
2. The military aid, $1.3 billion a year, is mostly in-kind, a grant of weaponry . It must be spent on US weapons manufacturers. It is US arms manufacturers like Lockheed-Martin and General Dynamics (and their employees) who would suffer if it were cut off.
3. The Congress gave the Egyptian Generals a credit card to buy weapons, and they’ve run up $3 billion on it for F-16s and M1A1 tanks. If the US cancelled aid, the US government would still have to pick up that bill.
4. Even most of the civilian aid is required to be spent on US goods and materiel. It is corporate welfare for the US
5. The aid was given as a bribe to the Egyptian elite to make nice with Israel. Given the chaos in Sinai, and Egypt’s instability, Congress is more worried about that issue than at any time in 40 years.
6. The Israelis asked the US not to suspend the aid.
7. Congress even structured the economic aid to require some of it help joint Israeli-Egyptian enterprises in Egypt, so some of the aid to Egypt actually goes to . . . Israel.
8. It is not generally recognized, but the Egyptian military provides a security umbrella to Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and the UAE against Iran (and sometimes Iraq). The Gulf oil states also have powerful Washington lobbies and want Egypt to continue as a Gurkha force. Children, can you say oil?
9. Many in Congress don’t actually disagree with the generals’ actions in overthrowing the Muslim Brotherhood-backed Freedom and Justice Party and driving it underground, since they agree it is a terrorist organization
10. Behind the scenes Egyptian military intelligence has helped the US track down Muslim extremists and in the Mubarak era ran black sites where they tortured suspected al-Qaeda for Washington. The US deep state would like to ramp that relationship back up.
1. The US doesn’t give much aid to the Egyptian people per se. Only $250 mn a year out of $1.55 bn is civilian. The aid is to cement a relationship between the Egyptian officer corps and the Pentagon.
2. The military aid, $1.3 billion a year, is mostly in-kind, a grant of weaponry . It must be spent on US weapons manufacturers. It is US arms manufacturers like Lockheed-Martin and General Dynamics (and their employees) who would suffer if it were cut off.
3. The Congress gave the Egyptian Generals a credit card to buy weapons, and they’ve run up $3 billion on it for F-16s and M1A1 tanks. If the US cancelled aid, the US government would still have to pick up that bill.
4. Even most of the civilian aid is required to be spent on US goods and materiel. It is corporate welfare for the US
5. The aid was given as a bribe to the Egyptian elite to make nice with Israel. Given the chaos in Sinai, and Egypt’s instability, Congress is more worried about that issue than at any time in 40 years.
6. The Israelis asked the US not to suspend the aid.
7. Congress even structured the economic aid to require some of it help joint Israeli-Egyptian enterprises in Egypt, so some of the aid to Egypt actually goes to . . . Israel.
8. It is not generally recognized, but the Egyptian military provides a security umbrella to Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and the UAE against Iran (and sometimes Iraq). The Gulf oil states also have powerful Washington lobbies and want Egypt to continue as a Gurkha force. Children, can you say oil?
9. Many in Congress don’t actually disagree with the generals’ actions in overthrowing the Muslim Brotherhood-backed Freedom and Justice Party and driving it underground, since they agree it is a terrorist organization
10. Behind the scenes Egyptian military intelligence has helped the US track down Muslim extremists and in the Mubarak era ran black sites where they tortured suspected al-Qaeda for Washington. The US deep state would like to ramp that relationship back up.
Bloodbath on the Nile
Egypt’s Shameful Day
Neo-Fascism in Action: Coldblooded Murders, Boldfaced Lies and Ugly Deception
There are moments in a nation’s history that become etched in stone. Such was the Palestinian Nakba, the atomic bombs dropped over Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and the September 11 attacks. The horrors unfolded on August 14 will go down in Egypt’s history as such a momentous event.....
As if the pro-coup regime was not already illegitimate, the bloody massacre has completely stripped it from any semblance of legitimacy. An international BDS (Boycott-Divestment-Sanctions) campaign and a global protest movement should immediately be put in place while a massive civil disobedience effort at home is mobilized until the criminal regime is overthrown and its murderous elements are brought to justice. According to international jurist and human rights legal expert, Professor Cherif Bassiouni it is possible for the UN Human Rights Commission to initiate a process to investigate the bloody massacre and to eventually file charges with the ICC.
As Egyptians take to the streets in the coming days, weeks, and months, three factors will singlehandedly or collectively influence the future course of Egypt’s unfinished revolution: the break up and defeat of the security state, the exit of the military from Egypt’s political life and to be subjected to civilian oversight, and a principled and uncompromising stand by the international community against the coup in support of democracy and the rule of law.
Max Weber reasoned that a necessary condition for an entity to be a state is that it retains its claim on the monopoly of violence in the enforcement of its order. But when this monopoly of violence is used against the citizens of a civilized state to thwart their will, it could never be legitimate. That is a state ruled by the law of the jungle."
تشويه أنصار الشرعية
في تقرير لوكالة رويترز للأنباء بعنوان "أكثر من مائتي جثة متفحمة بمسجد في القاهرة لا تعترف بها الدولة"، جاء ما يلي: "رأى مراسل رويترز 228 جثة في مسجد الإيمان وحده، وكان تحديد العدد بدقة صعبا لأنه كان يجري نقل بعض الجثث ووضعها في نعوش وإخراجها من المسجد. وقال مسعفون إن عدد الجثث التي أحصوها بلغ 259 جثة".
وأضاف التقرير: "وأزاح بعض الرجال الأكفان للكشف عن الجثث التي كان بعضها متفحما وجماجمه مهشمة وأخرى مليئة بثقوب ناجمة عن الإصابة بالرصاص في الرأس والصدر. وجلست بعض النساء يبكين بجوار بعض الجثث بينما تعانق رجلان وهما يبكيان بجوار جثة أخرى".
ليس ما ورد آنفا سوى واحد من المشاهد المروعة التي خلفتها مجزرة رابعة العدوية، والجثث التي تحدث عنها التقرير لم تدخل أصلا في إحصاءات وزارة الصحة في حكومة الانقلاب التي بدأت عدد الضحايا بأقل من مائتين، ثم رفعته إلى 421، وبعد ساعات أخرى رفعته إلى 525، قبل أن تصدر الأوامر بوقف التعداد، فيما صار مؤكدا أن الرقم أكبر من ذلك بكثير، ولا تسأل عن ضحايا الأيام التالية.
طوال أسابيع تفننت فضائيات الفلول وشقيقاتها في شيطنة المعتصمين ورميهم بأبشع التهم، تمهيدا لقتلهم دون أن يتعاطف معهم أحد، ولكن ذلك كان جهدا عبثيا |
أرادها القتلة مذبحة في الظلام، فكان يوما داميا بالنسبة للصحافيين والمصورين، واستهدف القناصة كل من يحمل كاميرا، لكن ذلك لم يمنع تدفق الصور تباعا للجرائم التي ارتكبت بحق المعتصمين، والتي كان ينفذها رجال أمن يلبسون زيهم الرسمي، فيما كان يتكفل بالجزء الآخر مدنيون ملثمون وغير ملثمين يعملون في سلك الأمن أيضا.
قبل الجريمة كانت عملية شيطنة بالغة البشاعة تتم للمعتصمين، إذ اتهموا بأنهم يقتلون الناس ويخفون جثثهم، واتهموا بتكديس الأسلحة الثقيلة، واتهموا أيضا بجهاد النكاح الذي اخترعته ذات مرة في تقرير لها من تونس قناة الميادين الممولة من إيران ومن رامي مخلوف (ابن خال بشار الأسد)، ولم يسمع به أحد في الأولين ولا في الآخرين، بل خرجت إحداهن على فضائية مصرية تقسم بأنها تتبعت 78 حالة جهاد نكاح في رابعة، في خسِّة ونذالة لم يبلغها بشر إلى الآن.
طوال أسابيع تفننت فضائيات الفلول، ومعها العربية وشقيقاتها، في شيطنة المعتصمين ورميهم بأبشع التهم، وكل ذلك من أجل التمهيد لقتلهم دون أن يتعاطف معهم أحد، لكن ذلك كان جهدا عبثيا، ولو نجح من قبل لنجح الآن، فهذه الجموع هي من صميم الشعب، وليست كائنات فضائية هبطت عليه من السماء.
وكان ما كان، فقد تمت مهاجمتهم لفض الاعتصامين، ولم يكن ثمة أسلحة ولا من يتسلحون، ولم تسجل صورة واحدة لمعتصم يطلق الرصاص على الجيش أو الأمن، وكل ما تدفق من الصور كان لعناصر الجيش والأمن والبلطجية يقتلون الناس بلا رادع من ضمير.
بعد فض الاعتصامين بدأت عملية شيطنة من لون آخر، إذ بادرت أجهزة الأمن إلى تلفيق التهم للمحتجين في المحافظات ومنها القاهرة، من أجل تبرير المزيد من القمع وفرض حالة الطوارئ وحظر التجول، ورأينا اعتداءات متوالية على الكنائس، والغريب أن أحدا لم يصب فيها على الإطلاق، ورأينا اعتداءات على منشآت عامة، وعلى مراكز شرطة.
وقد تجلى ذلك كله على نحو أكثر وضوحا يوم المجزرة، ويوم الجمعة التالي الذي شهد احتجاجات شملت القطر المصري بطوله وعرضه، وسقط فيها عشرات الشهداء ومئات الجرحى.
نحن نتحدث عن أجهزة أمن متخصصة في تلفيق التهم، ألم يقولوا إن خالد سعيد الذي تفجرت الثورة بعد مقتله تحت التعذيب قد مات بسبب لفافة "بانغو" في فمه؟ |
وفي حين يمكن تفسير قلة من حالات العنف التي نفذها محتجون بردود فعل من قبل أهالي الضحايا، فإن الغالبية الساحقة منها تبدو من تدبير أجهزة الأمن، وإلا فما معنى أن يجري حرق مركز شرطة الجيزة بعد إخراج كل من فيه من موظفين، وهو ما تكرر في مراكز شرطة أخرى؟!
أما ما جرى في مركز كرداسة، فكان بحسب شهود العيان ردة فعل على إطلاقهم النار على عدد من أهالي الضحايا، ولا صلة للإخوان به من قريب أو بعيد.
ما ينبغي أن يقال هنا هو أننا نتحدث عن أجهزة أمن متخصصة في تلفيق التهم، ألم يقولوا إن خالد سعيد الذي تفجرت الثورة بعد مقتله تحت التعذيب قد مات بسبب لفافة "بانغو" في فمه؟
ألم يتبين أن المباحث هي من دبّر تفجير كنيسة القديسين في الإسكندرية من أجل اتهام إسلاميين وتبرير قبضتها الأمنية بمحاربة الإرهاب؟ وهل نسي أحد قصة المسحول حمادة؟
هذه الأجهزة ومن خلال بلطجيتها وعناصرها هي ذاتها التي بدأت تحرق وتدمر، بما في ذلك الكنائس، إذ لم يحدث طوال عقود أن اعتدى أحد من جماعة الإخوان على كنيسة، ثم لماذا يعتدون عليها، وما مصلحتهم في ذلك؟
كما لم يسبق لهم أن اعتدوا على منشأة عامة، فضلا عن أن يقتلوا موظفا، هم الذين لا يكفرون أحدا من المسلمين، لا موظفي الدولة ولا الجيش ولا سواهم.
ثم ماذا حين يتهم عناصر الجماعة بإحراق جزء من مكتبة الإسكندرية، أو حرق متحف وسرقة محتوياته، كأنهم لصوص وليسوا شبانا خرجوا يدافعون عن حق يرونه، واضعين أرواحهم على أكفهم طلبا لرضا ربهم.
إنها لعبة أمنية حقيرة لتبرير المزيد من القمع والقتل وتعزيز القبضة الأمنية، وذلك من أجل تكريس حكم عسكري طاعن في القمع، وإلا فما فمعنى أن يتم تعيين 19 محافظا من ضباط المباحث من بين 25، أليس ذلك مؤشرا على مزيد من القمع، وتبعا لذلك تزوير أية انتخابات، وبالتالي استعادة نظام المخلوع بصورة أسوأ بكثير؟
لم يسبق للإخوان أن اعتدوا على منشأة عامة، فضلا عن أن يقتلوا موظفا، وهم الذين لا يكفرون أحدا من المسلمين، لا موظفي الدولة ولا الجيش ولا سواهم |
مع ذلك على الإخوان أن يردوا على هذه الحملة، وقد فعلوا ويفعلون. عليهم أن يردوا بشكل دائم وبلا تردد معلنين رفضهم العنف بكل أشكاله، وإصرارهم على الاحتجاج السلمي مهما تعرضوا للأذى من قبل النظام.
السلمية سر قوتهم، وهم يدركون ذلك، ولأن الدولة تدرك ذلك أيضا، فهي تسعى إلى تشويههم، وإلصاق تهم العنف الكاذبة بهم، لكن الناس تعرفهم، وعرفتهم طوال عقود، ولن تصدق أكاذيب القتلة بحال، حتى لو صدقه بعض المغفلين بسبب حملة الشيطنة الإعلامية الدنيئة التي تتوالى بشكل يومي دون كلل أو ملل.
ما جرى بعد مذبحة رابعة من احتجاج ومن مذابح يؤكد أن مسيرة الاحتجاج لن تتوقف، فيما ستأخذ جبهة الانقلاب في التفكك التدريجي، بعد أن يتأكد الجميع أنهم إزاء حكم عسكري طاعن في القمع لا يمت إلى التعددية الحقيقية بصلة، مما يعني أن المسيرة ستتواصل حتى يستعيد الشعب المصري ثورته المسروقة، ثورة 25 يناير/كانون الثاني، وليس ثورة 30 يونيو/تموز الكاذبة
Pro-Junta Stance Irreparably Harmed US Credibility in Egypt
Tepid Reaction to Massacres Not Fooling Anybody

"President Obama’s speeches constantly center of the pretense of his administration not having taken sides in Egypt, point to criticism from the new junta and the old elected government as proof that aren’t taking sides. It’s an argument no one is buying, however, as US aid dollars continue to flow by the billions to the military.
A solid month of loud support for the military takeover of Egypt has harmed American credibility in the nation in a way that is likely to last a generation. President Obama had already harmed America’s stance by backing Hosni Mubarak in the waning days of his dictatorship. Funding the military takeover has left it in tatters.
Cynically backing the latest coup in hopes of sidelining an elected government they didn’t particularly care for wasn’t a figment of anyone’s imagination: Secretary of State John Kerry really did praise the military takeover just two weeks ago.
That didn’t take long to blow up in America’s face. While other coups the US has backed didn’t come back to directly haunt them for years or decades, Egypt’s junta is already carrying out a campaign of massacres against civilian protesters, and President Obama’s response barely counted as criticism, filled with excuses and condemnations of the ousted civilian government.
Worst of all, President Obama is still refusing to halt aid to the junta, despite US law explicitly obliging him to. The US can’t bankroll a coup while pretending to be neutral, nor can it reasonably expect to be held blameless when the new junta starts slaughtering its political opponents in the streets."

"President Obama’s speeches constantly center of the pretense of his administration not having taken sides in Egypt, point to criticism from the new junta and the old elected government as proof that aren’t taking sides. It’s an argument no one is buying, however, as US aid dollars continue to flow by the billions to the military.
A solid month of loud support for the military takeover of Egypt has harmed American credibility in the nation in a way that is likely to last a generation. President Obama had already harmed America’s stance by backing Hosni Mubarak in the waning days of his dictatorship. Funding the military takeover has left it in tatters.
Cynically backing the latest coup in hopes of sidelining an elected government they didn’t particularly care for wasn’t a figment of anyone’s imagination: Secretary of State John Kerry really did praise the military takeover just two weeks ago.
That didn’t take long to blow up in America’s face. While other coups the US has backed didn’t come back to directly haunt them for years or decades, Egypt’s junta is already carrying out a campaign of massacres against civilian protesters, and President Obama’s response barely counted as criticism, filled with excuses and condemnations of the ousted civilian government.
Worst of all, President Obama is still refusing to halt aid to the junta, despite US law explicitly obliging him to. The US can’t bankroll a coup while pretending to be neutral, nor can it reasonably expect to be held blameless when the new junta starts slaughtering its political opponents in the streets."
Shameless Middle Eastern Plagiarism
By Maysaloon
"First they came for the communists, and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a communist.
"First they came for the communists, and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a communist.
Then they came for the Islamists, and I didn't speak out because I wasn't an Islamist.
Then they came for the bloggers, and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a blogger .
Then they came for the activists, and I didn't speak out because I wasn't an activist.
Then they came for me, and there was no one left to speak for me."
A bad day for four leading Arab cities
"Thursday of this week was a bad day in modern Arab history. The four leading Arab cities of recent eras – Baghdad, Damascus, Beirut and Cairo – were simultaneously engulfed in bombings or urban warfare, mostly carried out with brutal savagery and cruelty against civilians in urban settings. Even more problematic is that the carnage was predominantly the work of Arabs, not foreign invaders. Our four greatest modern Arab cities are now routinely depicted around the world with scenes of bomb craters, flames and rows of dead bodies. Other Arab lands, such as Libya, Yemen, Palestine, Tunisia, Bahrain, Algeria and Sudan, are only slightly less chaotic. This is a dramatic and telling moment, but a moment that tells us what, exactly? Have we collectively failed the test of statehood? Modernity? Civility? Democracy? Independence? Sovereignty? Secularism?
It is important at this moment of reckoning to avoid the temptation that engulfs so many analysts and writers around the world, which is to make definitive and cosmic historical judgments about the meaning of this moment, like The End of History, the End of Islamism, the End of Arab Liberalism, or the End of the Arab Spring.
So my humble suggestion is that when you run into a phrase or headline describing the current Arab situation that starts with “the end of ... ,” you should not bother to finish reading it, because it will probably tell you more about the psychology of the writer than about any significant trends within the Arab region. We have had few real endings in this region in the past 6,000 years of urban life, but only perpetual transformations and reconfigurations of how identity, power and governance mesh together and evolve slowly year after year.
For those who do like neat historical markers, though, Thursday could easily be seen as a symbolic moment that marked a serious pause, a slight shift and a momentary regression in the uprisings and transformations that began in December 2010 in Tunisia, but really had started a generation earlier. The old autocratic Arab order that had prevailed since the mid-20th century started to fray at the edges and atrophy in its center in the 1970s, as ruling elites turned into security regimes, and nationalist and developmental states turned into showcases of consumerism and corruption.
The overthrow or challenge of former regimes have not led to smooth transitions to democratic and pluralistic societies governed by the rule of law in any Arab country – yet. The moment of hope for a series of simultaneous Arab democratic transformations remains unfulfilled, due to different conditions in each country. This transitional phase will give way in due course to renewed efforts to build stable constitutional democracies that will reflect local values; but this will only happen after we get through this nation-building rite of passage.
The most important lesson we can learn from our messy transitions – this is the meaning of the suicide bombings or snipers’ bullets Thursday in Baghdad, Damascus, Beirut and Cairo – is that the six dominant regional phenomena that have defined the modern Arab world are totally inappropriate for creating modern pluralistic democracies. These six are religion (mainly Islamism), armed forces, resistance, sectarianism, Arabism and tribalism. These powerful shapers of personal identity and immensely effective instruments for mass mobilization and street activism are also utter failures as entry points into stable democratic states.
Egypt’s striking lesson today is that its two most powerful, organized and trusted groups – the Muslim Brotherhood and the armed forces – both proved to be incompetent in the business of governance. This is not because they do not have capable individuals and smart and rational supporters; they have plenty of those. It is rather because the ways of soldiers and spirituality are designed for worlds other than governance and equitably providing services and opportunities for millions of people from different religions, ideologies and ethnicities.
Our societies probably must pass through these moments of seeing military, religious, tribal and other groups try their hand at governing, and then also fight each other politically and militarily. They must do this and fail, as the military and the Muslim Brothers are doing in Egypt, in order to confirm over and over again that none of them are qualified to govern, or, more importantly, mandated by a majority of their citizens to rule on their own. The lack of other organized and credible indigenous groups of citizens that can engage in the political process and shape new constitutional systems is largely a consequence of how military officers, members of tribes, and religious zealots have dominated Arab public life for decades.
So it is no surprise that Egypt and other Arab lands have moved very quickly from revolutionary moments to civil wars. From these events, new and more rational political actors ultimately will emerge who can shape more stable governing orders – after entire societies are frightened, embarrassed and then humbled by the experience of their homegrown killing sprees and political immaturity."
By Rami G. Khouri | |
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"Thursday of this week was a bad day in modern Arab history. The four leading Arab cities of recent eras – Baghdad, Damascus, Beirut and Cairo – were simultaneously engulfed in bombings or urban warfare, mostly carried out with brutal savagery and cruelty against civilians in urban settings. Even more problematic is that the carnage was predominantly the work of Arabs, not foreign invaders. Our four greatest modern Arab cities are now routinely depicted around the world with scenes of bomb craters, flames and rows of dead bodies. Other Arab lands, such as Libya, Yemen, Palestine, Tunisia, Bahrain, Algeria and Sudan, are only slightly less chaotic. This is a dramatic and telling moment, but a moment that tells us what, exactly? Have we collectively failed the test of statehood? Modernity? Civility? Democracy? Independence? Sovereignty? Secularism?
It is important at this moment of reckoning to avoid the temptation that engulfs so many analysts and writers around the world, which is to make definitive and cosmic historical judgments about the meaning of this moment, like The End of History, the End of Islamism, the End of Arab Liberalism, or the End of the Arab Spring.
So my humble suggestion is that when you run into a phrase or headline describing the current Arab situation that starts with “the end of ... ,” you should not bother to finish reading it, because it will probably tell you more about the psychology of the writer than about any significant trends within the Arab region. We have had few real endings in this region in the past 6,000 years of urban life, but only perpetual transformations and reconfigurations of how identity, power and governance mesh together and evolve slowly year after year.
For those who do like neat historical markers, though, Thursday could easily be seen as a symbolic moment that marked a serious pause, a slight shift and a momentary regression in the uprisings and transformations that began in December 2010 in Tunisia, but really had started a generation earlier. The old autocratic Arab order that had prevailed since the mid-20th century started to fray at the edges and atrophy in its center in the 1970s, as ruling elites turned into security regimes, and nationalist and developmental states turned into showcases of consumerism and corruption.
The overthrow or challenge of former regimes have not led to smooth transitions to democratic and pluralistic societies governed by the rule of law in any Arab country – yet. The moment of hope for a series of simultaneous Arab democratic transformations remains unfulfilled, due to different conditions in each country. This transitional phase will give way in due course to renewed efforts to build stable constitutional democracies that will reflect local values; but this will only happen after we get through this nation-building rite of passage.
The most important lesson we can learn from our messy transitions – this is the meaning of the suicide bombings or snipers’ bullets Thursday in Baghdad, Damascus, Beirut and Cairo – is that the six dominant regional phenomena that have defined the modern Arab world are totally inappropriate for creating modern pluralistic democracies. These six are religion (mainly Islamism), armed forces, resistance, sectarianism, Arabism and tribalism. These powerful shapers of personal identity and immensely effective instruments for mass mobilization and street activism are also utter failures as entry points into stable democratic states.
Egypt’s striking lesson today is that its two most powerful, organized and trusted groups – the Muslim Brotherhood and the armed forces – both proved to be incompetent in the business of governance. This is not because they do not have capable individuals and smart and rational supporters; they have plenty of those. It is rather because the ways of soldiers and spirituality are designed for worlds other than governance and equitably providing services and opportunities for millions of people from different religions, ideologies and ethnicities.
Our societies probably must pass through these moments of seeing military, religious, tribal and other groups try their hand at governing, and then also fight each other politically and militarily. They must do this and fail, as the military and the Muslim Brothers are doing in Egypt, in order to confirm over and over again that none of them are qualified to govern, or, more importantly, mandated by a majority of their citizens to rule on their own. The lack of other organized and credible indigenous groups of citizens that can engage in the political process and shape new constitutional systems is largely a consequence of how military officers, members of tribes, and religious zealots have dominated Arab public life for decades.
So it is no surprise that Egypt and other Arab lands have moved very quickly from revolutionary moments to civil wars. From these events, new and more rational political actors ultimately will emerge who can shape more stable governing orders – after entire societies are frightened, embarrassed and then humbled by the experience of their homegrown killing sprees and political immaturity."
Where is Bassem Youssef Now?
Friday, August 16, 2013
Al-Jazeera Video: Egyptian security forces in 'predicament'
"Supporters of ousted President Mohamed Morsi remain trapped inside Al-Fath mosque in the Ramsis area, as security forces surround the area. Al Jazeera's Sherine Tadros, reporting from Cairo, says security forces are in a predicament as to how they should deal with the protesters inside the mosque"One the one hand, they want to get the situation over with. But it will clearly look very bad for them if they actually enter into the mosque and then start fighting with the protesters and harming them," she said."So it seems like what they are trying to do is gas them out.""
My Dad's facebook comment
بعد الذي جرى ويجري في الوطن العربي في السنتين الماضيتين ، ولاسيما في سورية ومصر وتونس !! ،
توصلت إلى وجهات النظر ، القابلة للنقاش ، التالية :
1. إن العرب مازالوا على أبواب الممارسة الديموقراطية في صورتها الحديثة (التبادل السلمي للسلطة عبرصناديق الإقتراع) أي أن ثقافة الديموقراطية لم تتغلغل في بيوتهم بعد ، اللهم إلاّ من ديموقراطية " المستبد العادل " أ و" الديموقراطية القبلية "
( بفتح القاف والباء ) التي تمتد جذورها تاريخياً ، إلى عصر ماقبل الإسلام ،
2. إن الشرفاء ــ على مايبدو ــ لايصلحون للسياسة ، بعد أن أصبحت السياسة جزءاً من الإقتصاد ،
وأصبح الإقتصاد جزءاً
من هيمنة من يملك على من لايملك ،وبالتالي : هيمنة القوي على الضعيف ، والحرامي على الشريف ،
من هيمنة من يملك على من لايملك ،وبالتالي : هيمنة القوي على الضعيف ، والحرامي على الشريف ،
3. إن العلمانية بدون أخلاق ، هي ديكتاتورية مقنعة
4. ليس من علاج لأخطاء الديموقراطية سوى المزيد من الممارسة الديموقراطية ،
4. ليس من علاج لأخطاء الديموقراطية سوى المزيد من الممارسة الديموقراطية ،
5. إن العداء لثورات الربيع العربي ، سواء أكان داخليّاً أو خارجيّاً ، هو عداء لكل من حقوق الإنسان ، و الديموقراطية ، والعدالة
الاجتماعية ، وحرية الرأي ، في آن واحد ، وبالتالي : عداء للحرية والكرامة التي نادت وتنادي بها هذه الثورات ،
6. لايفيد الأمة العربية ، أن تكون جيوش دولها جرارة من حيث الشكل ، مجرورة من حيث المضمون ، ويكون تسليحها خارجيّاً
وليس داخليّاً ، ذلك أن قرار هذه الجيوش سيكون غالباً بيد من يسلحها ( الخارج ) ، وليس بيد قادتها الوطنيين ( الداخل ) .
7. الدين سلاح ذو حدين ، فالحد الذي قتل ثلاثة من الخلفاء الرا شدين رضوان الله عليهم ، يمكن أن يستخدمه أعداء الإسلام اليوم
لإجهاض ثورات الربيع العربي ، فـ " ياسارية الجبل " .
Egypt’s Transition Has Failed: New Age of Military Dictatorship in Wake of Massacre
by Juan Cole Link
The horrible bloodshed in Egypt on Wednesday marked a turning point in the country’s modern history, locking it in to years of authoritarian paternalism and possibly violent faction fighting. The country is ruled by an intolerant junta with no respect for human life. Neither the Brotherhood nor the military made the kind of bargain and compromises necessary for a successful democratic transition. It is true that some armed Brotherhood cadres killed some 50 troops and police, and that some 20 Coptic Christian churches were attacked, some burned. But the onus for the massacre lies with the Egyptian military. Mohamed Elbaradei, who resigned as interim vice president for foreign affairs, had urged that the Brotherhood sit-ins be gradually and peacefully whittled Way at. His plan was Egypt’s only hope of reconciliation. Now it has a feud.
Egypt began a possible transition to parliamentary democracy in February of 2011 after the fall of Hosni Mubarak. Although the military had made a coup, the aged Field Marshall Hussein Tantawi was not interested in ruling himself and sought a civilian transitional government that the military could live with. He wanted guarantees that the new government would not interfere with the military’s own commercial enterprises and attempted to assert a veto over the new constitution lest it veer toward Muslim fundamentalism.
The major political forces said they were committed to free, fair and transparent parliamentary elections. The Muslim Brotherhood, the best organized political group, pledged not to run candidates in all constituencies so as to show they weren’t greedy for power, and said they would not run anyone for president lest they give the impression they were seeking control of all three branches of government. The Brotherhood said it wanted a consensual constitution.
Behind the scenes, generals like Omar Suleiman (d. 2012) were furious about the constraints being lifted from the Brotherhood, convinced that they had a secret armed militia and that they were angling to make a coup over time. His views turn out to be more widespread than was evident on the surface.
In 2011-2012, the revolutionary youth, the liberals and the Brotherhood made common cause to return the military to their barracks.
But then the Brotherhood broke all of its promises and threw a fright into everyone– youth, women, Coptic Christians, Liberals, leftists, workers, and the remnants of the old regime. The Brotherhood cheated in the parliamentary elections, running candidates for seats set aside for independents. Then they tried to pack the constitution-writing body with their parliamentarians, breaking another promise. They reneged on the pledge to have a consensual constitution.
Once Muhammad Morsi was elected president in June, 2012, he made a slow-motion coup. He pushed through a Brotherhood constitution in December of 2012 in a referendum with about a 30% turnout in which it garnered only 63%– i.e. only a fifth of the country voted for it. The judges went on strike rather than oversee balloting, so the referendum did not meet international standards. When massive protests were staged he had them cleared out by the police, and on December 6, 2012, is alleged to have sent in Brotherhood paramilitary to attack leftist youth who were demonstrating. There were deaths and injuries.
Haunting photos from Egypt of a veiled woman trying to stop a bulldozer
The Washington Post
".......Amid the violence, the ripped tents and toppled home-made barricades, a veiled woman, one of the protesters, appeared to be challenging a massive bulldozer head-on.
The bulldozer, identified by Getty caption information as belonging to the military but may more likely be associated with state security services, appears to have been tearing through the protest camp’s home-made – and ultimately futile – system of barricades when the woman in the photos chased it down, waving sticks in the air in an apparent attempt to get security forces’ attention.
Moneim’s next photo may show why she was so desperate to stop the bulldozer. It shows the massive vehicle looming over a young man, who is lying wounded and bleeding on the ground, its path now blocked by the veiled woman:
".......Amid the violence, the ripped tents and toppled home-made barricades, a veiled woman, one of the protesters, appeared to be challenging a massive bulldozer head-on.
The bulldozer, identified by Getty caption information as belonging to the military but may more likely be associated with state security services, appears to have been tearing through the protest camp’s home-made – and ultimately futile – system of barricades when the woman in the photos chased it down, waving sticks in the air in an apparent attempt to get security forces’ attention.
Moneim’s next photo may show why she was so desperate to stop the bulldozer. It shows the massive vehicle looming over a young man, who is lying wounded and bleeding on the ground, its path now blocked by the veiled woman:

Egypt’s disastrous bloodshed requires urgent impartial investigation
"There must be a full and impartial investigation into the violent dispersal of sit-in protests in Cairo this week, where security forces used unwarranted lethal force and broke promises to allow the wounded to exit safely, Amnesty International said today on the basis of its research on the ground.
Unprecedented levels of violence have left more than 600 dead around Egypt. The Ministry of Interior reported 43 fatal casualties among security forces. The death toll is expected to climb further as bodies are transferred to official hospitals and morgues.
“Based on the initial testimonies and other evidence we’ve gathered, there seems to be little doubt the security forces have been acting with blatant disregard for human life, and full investigations that are both impartial and independent are urgently needed,” said Philip Luther, Middle East and North Africa Programme Director at Amnesty International....."
King Abdullah calls on Arabs to stand together against "attempts to destabilise" Egypt.
Saudi king backs Egypt's military |

فيديو : قناصة يطاردون شباب بالرصاص لمحاولتهم إخراج جثة من وسط شارع
"تداول عدد من نشطاء موقع التواصل الاجتماعى "الفيس بوك" فيديو لمشهد مروع بأحد الأحياء السكنية القريبة من التظاهرات اليوم لـ "جمعة الغضب" بالقاهرة. حيث يظهر بالفيديو جثة شاب ملقى على الأرض فى وسط الشارع والدماء تسيل من رأسه أثر أطلاق الرصاص من جانب القناصة القريبة من الحى، وقد حاول عدد من شباب المنطقة حملة على أحد العربات من أجل محاولة انقاذه أو حتى إخراج الجثة.
الا أن إرهاب الأعيرة النارية التى كانت تطلق من جانب القناصة مباشرة عليهم من أجل ترك الجثة ملقاة فى وسط الشارع كما هى، أدى الى فرارهم بالعربة التى كانوا يستقلونها وترك الجثة كما كانت خوفا من استهدافهم.
وقد نجح هؤلاء الشباب "بإصرار شديد" وسط وابل من الرصاص حمل الجثة من وسط الشارع."
"تداول عدد من نشطاء موقع التواصل الاجتماعى "الفيس بوك" فيديو لمشهد مروع بأحد الأحياء السكنية القريبة من التظاهرات اليوم لـ "جمعة الغضب" بالقاهرة. حيث يظهر بالفيديو جثة شاب ملقى على الأرض فى وسط الشارع والدماء تسيل من رأسه أثر أطلاق الرصاص من جانب القناصة القريبة من الحى، وقد حاول عدد من شباب المنطقة حملة على أحد العربات من أجل محاولة انقاذه أو حتى إخراج الجثة.
الا أن إرهاب الأعيرة النارية التى كانت تطلق من جانب القناصة مباشرة عليهم من أجل ترك الجثة ملقاة فى وسط الشارع كما هى، أدى الى فرارهم بالعربة التى كانوا يستقلونها وترك الجثة كما كانت خوفا من استهدافهم.
وقد نجح هؤلاء الشباب "بإصرار شديد" وسط وابل من الرصاص حمل الجثة من وسط الشارع."
Egypt: disaster on Europe's doorstep
Attempts to dismantle the Muslim Brotherhood are met by a force that shows the military they do not have control of Egypt
The Guardian,
The Guardian,
Dozens dead in Egypt's 'day of rage' clashes

"Fresh clashes in Egypt have resulted in dozens of deaths as calls for a "day of rage" by opponents of the military-led regime turned to bloodshed.
In the worst of the violence, a correspondent for Al Jazeera said at least 41 people were killed in Cairo's Ramses Square on Friday as anti-coup protesters were fired on by government forces.
A protester, Said Mohammed, told Al Jazeera that the crowds were shot at by men in helicopters [Apaches, no Doubt!].
"Helicopters started to shoot us as we were walking. My friend took a shot in the neck and he died," he said. "This was the first time we saw helicopters shooting. There were people shooting from the windows."
Earlier on October 6 bridge near Ramses Square, a protester called Ahmed Tohami told Al Jazeera that there was "blood in the streets" as police fired tear gas and bullets at marchers, as what sounded like gunfire could be heard in the background.
"Men, young ladies, old women, under attack. The kids here on the bridge - we are under attack... there is no way down. Hundreds of thousands of us are on the bridge. They are attacking us from the front, they are attacking us from behind. We have nowhere to go," he said live on Al Jazeera......"
"ارتفع عدد القتلى في صفوف مؤيدي الرئيس المعزول محمد مرسي بميدان رمسيس بوسط القاهرة إلى 51 قتيلاً تمت إصابتهم جميعًا بالرصاص الحي في الرأس وفى أماكن متفرقة من الجسد، في أحدث حصيلة أوردها مراسل "المصريون" من داخل المستشفى الميداني بمسجد الفتح. وقال مدير المستشفى الميداني، إن جميع القتلى تم إصابتهم بالقنص المباشر من قبل قوات الأمن المتمركزة أعلى كبرى 6 أكتوبر وقسم شرطة الأزبكية، إضافة إلى أكثر من 436 مصابًا وسط نقص حاد فى الأدوية والمستلزمات الطبية، ووجود صعوبة فى إخراج جثامين الشهداء، وعدم وجود مراوح للتهوية.
فيما أفاد مراسلنا، أن طائرات عسكرية قامت بقصف المتظاهرين فى محيط مسجد الفتح برمسيس بالرصاص الحى والغاز بعد قيامها بإنزال قناصة على أسطح العمارات المقابلة للمسجد، وهو ما دفع بحشود المتظاهرين إلى الدخول لمسجد الفتح للاحتماء من النيران.
وتحول ميدان رمسيس إلى ساحة مواجهة بين المتظاهرين ـ الذين لبوا دعوة "التحالف الوطني لدعم الشرعية" للخروج في مليونية "الغضب" تنديدًا بمجزرة فضي اعتصامي "رابعة العدوية" و"نهضة مصر" ـ وقوات الشرطة التي أطلقت الرصاص الحي والغاز المسيل للدموع على أنصار الرئيس المعزول. وتتمركز الاشتباكات أمام قسم شرطة الأزبكية، بعد محاولة لاقتحام القسم من جانب بعض المتظاهرين

ننشر أسباب استقالة المتحدث باسم جبهة الإنقاذ
خالد داود: لم أستطيع الحديث باسم أحزاب تدعم المواجهة الأمنية مع "الإخوان".. وأرفض التجاوزات ضد البرادعى

"أعلن خالد داود، المتحدث باسم "جبهة الإنقاذ الوطني" استقالته، بسبب ما قال إنه دعم لعدد من أحزاب الجبهة للمواجهة الأمنية مع "الإخوان المسلمين"، وهجوم بعض أحزاب الجبهة على الدكتور محمد البرادعي، الذي استقال من عمله كنائب لرئيس الجمهورية للعلاقات الدولية. وكتب داود على صفحته على موقع "فيسبوك" بيانا أوضح فيه أسباب استقالته قائلا "السيدات والسادة الأفاضل قادة جبهة الإنقاذ الوطني، أود إخطاركم بقراري الاستقالة من مهمتي الطوعية كمتحدث إعلامي باسم جبهة الإنقاذ الوطني، وذلك لأنه لم يعد باستطاعتي مطلقا الحديث باسم الغالبية من أحزاب الجبهة والتي قررت بوضوح أن تدعم المواجهة الأمنية الحالية مع جماعة الإخوان، وترفض إدانة المجزرة التي قامت بها قوات الأمن في فض اعتصامي رابعة والنهضة".
وأضاف "كما أرفض تماما التجاوزات غير المقبولة من قبل بعض أحزاب الجبهة في الهجوم على الدكتور محمد البرادعي، صاحب المبادئ والضمير والنظرة الثاقبة، والذي لولا جهوده ما اكتسبت هذه الجبهة المصداقية التي نالتها سريعا على الصعيدين المحلي والعالمي. كنت أتمنى أن نشاركه جهوده في البحث عن مخرج سياسي للأزمة، نظرا لأن أزمتنا مع الإخوان، أو هكذا كنت اعتقد، سياسية في الأساس، إلى جانب القاعدة الذهبية الثابتة أن العنف لا يولد إلا العنف".
واستطرد قائلا: "أستقيل من مهمتي لأنه ليس باستطاعتي مطلقا أن "أرفع رأسي عاليا معلنا للعالم الانتصار الساحق على القوى السياسية التي تسعى للاتجار باسم الدين" كما ورد في بيان الجبهة الذي صدر في نفس يوم فض الاعتصامات يوم الأربعاء 14 أغسطس. رأسي شخصيا منكسة وأشعر بحزن وألم شديدين لكل الدماء التي سالت، وأدين بقوة التجاوزات الخطيرة التي قامت بها قوات الأمن في فض الاعتصامين، وهو ما أدى إلى سقوط هذا العدد الضخم من القتلى".
وعلق داود على مجزرة اعتصام رابعة والنهضة، قائلاً: "بعد أن تجاوز عدد القتلى من رابعة العدوية فقط نحو ثلاثمائة مواطن، وفقا للإحصاءات الرسمية لوزارة الصحة، وهذا عدا المنظر المهين وغير الإنساني لما يزيد عن 250 جثة بقيت ممدة في مسجد الإيمان بمدينة نصر، والتي لم تدخل في الإحصاءات الرسمية، فإنه المستحيل لأي عاقل أن يصدق أن كل هؤلاء كانوا من المسلحين الذين اضطرت قوات الأمن للتعامل معه. هذا أمر يرفضه العقل والمنطق، ولا يثبته عدد الخسائر التي سقطت من جانب الشرطة".

"أعلن خالد داود، المتحدث باسم "جبهة الإنقاذ الوطني" استقالته، بسبب ما قال إنه دعم لعدد من أحزاب الجبهة للمواجهة الأمنية مع "الإخوان المسلمين"، وهجوم بعض أحزاب الجبهة على الدكتور محمد البرادعي، الذي استقال من عمله كنائب لرئيس الجمهورية للعلاقات الدولية. وكتب داود على صفحته على موقع "فيسبوك" بيانا أوضح فيه أسباب استقالته قائلا "السيدات والسادة الأفاضل قادة جبهة الإنقاذ الوطني، أود إخطاركم بقراري الاستقالة من مهمتي الطوعية كمتحدث إعلامي باسم جبهة الإنقاذ الوطني، وذلك لأنه لم يعد باستطاعتي مطلقا الحديث باسم الغالبية من أحزاب الجبهة والتي قررت بوضوح أن تدعم المواجهة الأمنية الحالية مع جماعة الإخوان، وترفض إدانة المجزرة التي قامت بها قوات الأمن في فض اعتصامي رابعة والنهضة".
وأضاف "كما أرفض تماما التجاوزات غير المقبولة من قبل بعض أحزاب الجبهة في الهجوم على الدكتور محمد البرادعي، صاحب المبادئ والضمير والنظرة الثاقبة، والذي لولا جهوده ما اكتسبت هذه الجبهة المصداقية التي نالتها سريعا على الصعيدين المحلي والعالمي. كنت أتمنى أن نشاركه جهوده في البحث عن مخرج سياسي للأزمة، نظرا لأن أزمتنا مع الإخوان، أو هكذا كنت اعتقد، سياسية في الأساس، إلى جانب القاعدة الذهبية الثابتة أن العنف لا يولد إلا العنف".
واستطرد قائلا: "أستقيل من مهمتي لأنه ليس باستطاعتي مطلقا أن "أرفع رأسي عاليا معلنا للعالم الانتصار الساحق على القوى السياسية التي تسعى للاتجار باسم الدين" كما ورد في بيان الجبهة الذي صدر في نفس يوم فض الاعتصامات يوم الأربعاء 14 أغسطس. رأسي شخصيا منكسة وأشعر بحزن وألم شديدين لكل الدماء التي سالت، وأدين بقوة التجاوزات الخطيرة التي قامت بها قوات الأمن في فض الاعتصامين، وهو ما أدى إلى سقوط هذا العدد الضخم من القتلى".
وعلق داود على مجزرة اعتصام رابعة والنهضة، قائلاً: "بعد أن تجاوز عدد القتلى من رابعة العدوية فقط نحو ثلاثمائة مواطن، وفقا للإحصاءات الرسمية لوزارة الصحة، وهذا عدا المنظر المهين وغير الإنساني لما يزيد عن 250 جثة بقيت ممدة في مسجد الإيمان بمدينة نصر، والتي لم تدخل في الإحصاءات الرسمية، فإنه المستحيل لأي عاقل أن يصدق أن كل هؤلاء كانوا من المسلحين الذين اضطرت قوات الأمن للتعامل معه. هذا أمر يرفضه العقل والمنطق، ولا يثبته عدد الخسائر التي سقطت من جانب الشرطة".
Day of Rage in Cairo: Anti-Coup Groups Hold Massive Protest Marches to Condemn Deadly Crackdown
Democracy Now!
"Members of the Muslim Brotherhood have called for a nationwide Day of Rage today after Wednesday’s security crackdown left at least 638 people dead and 3,000 people injured. The violence on Wednesday began when security forces raided two protest camps in Cairo set up to denounce the military overthrow of Egypt’s first freely elected president, Mohamed Morsi. Today’s protest marches began after Friday prayers at 28 mosques in Cairo. We go to Cairo to speak to Democracy Now! correspondent Sharif Abdel Kouddous....."
"Members of the Muslim Brotherhood have called for a nationwide Day of Rage today after Wednesday’s security crackdown left at least 638 people dead and 3,000 people injured. The violence on Wednesday began when security forces raided two protest camps in Cairo set up to denounce the military overthrow of Egypt’s first freely elected president, Mohamed Morsi. Today’s protest marches began after Friday prayers at 28 mosques in Cairo. We go to Cairo to speak to Democracy Now! correspondent Sharif Abdel Kouddous....."
Real News Video: Egyptian Military Engineers Anti-Muslim Brotherhood Media Campaign, Sways Public Favor to Intervene in Sit-ins
Lina Attalah: Egyptian Ministry of Interior uses light presence of firearms to justify aggressive military action that killed more than 500 peaceful sit-ins, as Saudi and Qatari power dynamics play out behind the scenes
Al-Jazeera Video: Chaos in Cairo mortuary amid crackdown
"Cairo's main mortuary has been overwhelmed with bodies as the number of deaths from Wednesday's violence continues to rise.The cause of each death must be recorded before a burial permit can be issued, but authorities at the morgue are struggling to cope.Hundreds of people have been killed since the interim government ordered the clearing of the two protest camps supporting deposed president Mohamed Morsi.Al Jazeera's Bernard Smith reports from Cairo.WARNING: This package contains images that may disturb some viewers."
قوى ثورية تتهم "تمرد" بأنها صنيعة المخابرات
بعد ظهورهم "المريب" في نشرة أخبار التليفزيون الرسمي
"فاجأت حركة تمرد أمس الجميع بإذاعة بيان لها بشكل متلفز ظهر فيه مؤسسي الحملة محمود بدر ومحمد عبدالعزيز لأول مرة عبر التليفزيون الرسمى، داعية فيه الشعب للنزول للشوارع اليوم وتشكيل لجان شعبية لحماية الممتلكات الخاصة والكنائس والممتلكات العامة القريبة منهم. وقد أثار هذا البيان الذى سبق ونشرته الحملة عبر موقعها وعلى صفحتها الرسمية على فيسبوك عصرا جدلا شديدا على مواقع التواصل الاجتماعى تحول إلى هجوم على الحملة ومؤسسيها.
ولعل اللافت للانتباه، بحسب الأهرام ، أن هذا الهجوم لم يأت من أنصار الرئيس المعزول محمد مرسي وجماعة الإخوان، كما كان يحدث كل مرة بل كان هذه المرة من النشطاء المحسوبين على الثورة ممن أيدها ووقع معظمهم على استمارات تمرد وشاركوا فى الموجة الثالثة من الثورة فى 30 يونيو وما بعدها.
حيث وجه هؤلاء انتقادات للدعوة التى أطلقتها الحملة فى بيانها، معتبرين أنها دعوة غير مسئولة تدفع للاقتتال الأهلى بخاصة فى ظل إعلان جماعة الإخوان وأنصارها عن تنظيم مسيرات وتظاهرات اليوم الجمعة، وهو ما اعتبره كثيرون يتناقض مع الدعوة التى أطلقتها الحملة من قبل للشعب المصرى بالنزول للميادين لتفويض الجيش ومؤسسات الدولة بالتعامل مع الجماعات الإرهابية وحفظ الأمن، وهى الدعوة التى وجهها الجيش نفسه للشعب وطالبه بها على لسان الفريق أول عبدالفتاح السيسي، وزير الدفاع والقائد العام للقوات المسلحة
ومن أمثلة التعليقات التى تم تبادلها على موقع تويتر: "دعوة المتحدث باسم "تمرد" للنزول للشوارع وتحريضه المبطن على الاقتتال الشعبي يبين أنه يتحرك بعقلية عسكرية وبتوجيه أمني مباشر".
" محدش يسمع كلام محمود بدر بالنزول بكرة لا لحماية منشآت ولا غيره! بدر وتمرد صنيعة العسكر والمخابرات ولعبتهم.. أرواح الناس أهم من المنشآت".
"فاجأت حركة تمرد أمس الجميع بإذاعة بيان لها بشكل متلفز ظهر فيه مؤسسي الحملة محمود بدر ومحمد عبدالعزيز لأول مرة عبر التليفزيون الرسمى، داعية فيه الشعب للنزول للشوارع اليوم وتشكيل لجان شعبية لحماية الممتلكات الخاصة والكنائس والممتلكات العامة القريبة منهم. وقد أثار هذا البيان الذى سبق ونشرته الحملة عبر موقعها وعلى صفحتها الرسمية على فيسبوك عصرا جدلا شديدا على مواقع التواصل الاجتماعى تحول إلى هجوم على الحملة ومؤسسيها.
ولعل اللافت للانتباه، بحسب الأهرام ، أن هذا الهجوم لم يأت من أنصار الرئيس المعزول محمد مرسي وجماعة الإخوان، كما كان يحدث كل مرة بل كان هذه المرة من النشطاء المحسوبين على الثورة ممن أيدها ووقع معظمهم على استمارات تمرد وشاركوا فى الموجة الثالثة من الثورة فى 30 يونيو وما بعدها.
حيث وجه هؤلاء انتقادات للدعوة التى أطلقتها الحملة فى بيانها، معتبرين أنها دعوة غير مسئولة تدفع للاقتتال الأهلى بخاصة فى ظل إعلان جماعة الإخوان وأنصارها عن تنظيم مسيرات وتظاهرات اليوم الجمعة، وهو ما اعتبره كثيرون يتناقض مع الدعوة التى أطلقتها الحملة من قبل للشعب المصرى بالنزول للميادين لتفويض الجيش ومؤسسات الدولة بالتعامل مع الجماعات الإرهابية وحفظ الأمن، وهى الدعوة التى وجهها الجيش نفسه للشعب وطالبه بها على لسان الفريق أول عبدالفتاح السيسي، وزير الدفاع والقائد العام للقوات المسلحة
ومن أمثلة التعليقات التى تم تبادلها على موقع تويتر: "دعوة المتحدث باسم "تمرد" للنزول للشوارع وتحريضه المبطن على الاقتتال الشعبي يبين أنه يتحرك بعقلية عسكرية وبتوجيه أمني مباشر".
" محدش يسمع كلام محمود بدر بالنزول بكرة لا لحماية منشآت ولا غيره! بدر وتمرد صنيعة العسكر والمخابرات ولعبتهم.. أرواح الناس أهم من المنشآت".
الوطن على شفا هاوية
by Fahmi Huwaidi فهمي هويدي
وقع المحظور وانطلقت شرارة الحرب الأهلية، وقتل المصريون مصريين آخرين حتى غرق الفضاء المصري في بحر من الدم، ولايزال الوقت مبكراً لمعرفة عدد الضحايا ولكننا رأينا جثث العشرات منهم على الأرض وشاهدنا صور من تفحم منهم، وما نعرفه أن يوم أمس الأربعاء 14 أغسطس كان يوماً أسود في تاريخ المصريين، ما نعرفه أيضاً أنه عندما تسيل الدماء بين أبناء الوطن الواحد، فإن ذلك لا يعنى فقط أن الرشد غاب بينهم، وإنما يعني أيضاً أن الوطن صار على شفا هاوية لا ترى أبعادها لكنه يغدو راكضااً على طريق الندامة.
لقد حقق دعاة الشيطنة مرادهم، فجرت محاولة فض الاعتصام بالرشاشات والمدرعات والقناصة، خصوصاً أولئك الذين اقروا بأن دماء المصريين حرام حقاً، لكنهم استثنوا أولئك النفر من المصريين المتشيطنين، إذ قالوا صراحة إن دماءهم ملوثة ونجسة، ومن ثم فلا حرمة ولا كرامة لهم. وانفضحت الكذبة التي روجوا لها في حملة الشيطان حين إدعوا أن أولئك «الإرهابيين» يخزنون السلاح ولديهم رشاشات وصواريخ وأسلحة كيماوية. وحين تمت الغارة عليهم فإنهم استقبلوا الرصاصات التي استهدفتهم بالطوب والحجارة تارة وبالجهر بالدعاء إلى الله أن يخفف عنهم البلاء الذي نزل.
أسمع من يقول إن المعتصمين تم تحذيرهم، وإنه ثمة تفويضاً لفض الاعتصام بدأ بوزارة الدفاع وانتهى بوزير الداخلية مروراً برئاسة الحكومة، وإن الجهة التي كلفت بالفض لم يكن أمامها خيار آخر، لكنني قلت إن فض الاعتصام بالقوة يعني فشل السياسة والسياسيين، كما أنه في مواجهة بعض المشكلات المعقدة قد لا يتفق أطرافها على ما يمكن عمله، لكنه عند الحد الأدنى ينبغى أن تتفق تلك الأطراف على ما ينبغي تجنبه وما لا يقبل عمله. من هذه الزاوية ازعم أن هناك الكثير الذي كان ينبغي عدم الوقوع فيه. حتى لا تتحول محاولة فض الاعتصام إلى نوع من الاستباحة التي تفتح الأبواب لانطلاق مختلف الغرائز الشريرة التي يمكن أن تحرق الوطن في نهاية المطاف. من ذلك مثلاً أن إطلاق الرصاص على المتظاهرين إذا كان ضرورياً فينبغي له الا يتجاوز الأرجل والأطراف. أما حين يطلق الرصاص على الرأس والصدر، فذلك يعنى أن القتل هو الهدف وليس فض الاعتصام وحرق المتظاهرين. كما أنه لم يكن مفهوماً على الاطلاق أن تستهدف المستشفى الميداني في اعتصام ميدان النهضة، وأن تحرق بكل ما فيها وما كان ينبغي أن تمنع سيارات الإسعاف من إنقاذ المصابين، وأرجو ألا يكون صحيحاً ما قيل عند استخدام تلك السيارات لإدخال الجنود وسط الحشود أو لنقل الذخيرة، ولكن تمنيت أن تناط المهمة بأجهزة الداخلية وألا يقحم الجيش في العراك، بما يعيد إلى الأذهان سجل الشرطة العسكرية المؤسف في موقعة ماسبيرو. وهي ملاحظة أسجلها استناداً إلى ما بثته الـ بي بي سي عن اشتراك عناصر الصاعقة والمظلات في المواجهات، ثم إنني لم أفهم سبباً لإقحام كنائس الأقباط في العراك من جانب بعض المتظاهرين، مما أدى إلى استهدافها في بعض مدن الصعيد ورغم إدراكي لتوتر العلاقة بين المسلمين والمسيحيين بعد 30 يونيو، أسباب سبق أن اشرت اليها، إلا أن الاعتداء على الكنائس أثار من المشاعر ما كان ينبغي لأي طرف أن ينسب نفسه إلى التيار الإسلامي أو غيره أن يتورط فيه. وأرجو الا يكون صحيحاً ما رددته بعض مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي من أن جهاز أمن الدولة له دوره في فتح جبهة الفتنة الطائفية لصرف الأنظار عن الفتنة السياسية التي عمت البلاد.
بقيت عندي ثلاث ملاحظات هي أن مجلس الوزراء حين حيى وزارة الداخلية على أدائها فى المواجهة وحمل الطرف الآخر المسؤولية عن المذبحة التي وقعت، فإنه أصبح شريكاً في جريمة القتل، وجعل أيدى جميع أعضائه ملوثة بدماء الضحايا.
الملاحظة الثانية أن بيانات وزارة الداخلية التي اكتفت بإحصاء الإصابات بين رجالها وتجاهلت عشرات القتلى من المواطنين المصريين الذين سقطوا برصاصات رجالها لم تفتقد إلى الشفافية فحسب، وإنما افتقدت أيضاً إلى النزاهة واحترام حقوق الإنسان.
الملاحظة الثالثة أن الدوائر السياسية الغربية وأبواقها الإعلامية أقامت الدنيا ولم تقعدها، حين قتل خمسة أشخاص في المواجهات التي حدثت في تركيا بسبب أحداث ميدان التقسيم وفعلت نفس الشيء حين سقط سبعة قتلى في مواجهات إيران التي وقعت بعد انتخابات عام 2005 في ظل ما سمي بالثورة الخضراء، لكنها التزمت الصمت واتخذت موقفاً مائعاً إزاء سقوط عشرات القتلى المصريين في ميداني رابعة العدوية والنهضة.
تلك ملاحظات سريعة تتعلق بشرارات الحريق التى انطلقت، أما الحريق ذاته فله كلام آخر.
Thursday, August 15, 2013
فيديو .. مذيع الجزيرة منفعلا: "ياخي حتي لو كفرة سيبهم يتدفنوا"
"انفعل المذيع أيمن عزام علي الهواء مباشرة بسبب إمتناع السلطات عن إعطاء تصاريح دفن لمن أستشهدوا في مذبحة فض إعتصامي رابعة العدوية والنهضة .
وقال عزام : " ناس ميتة - أيا كان وضعهم - ولو أنت عايز تثبت عليهم جريمة او تقول أن الإخوان هما اللي قتلوهم مش مشكلة عندي .. المشكلة أن دة يتدفن بسرعة .. دي مسؤولية دولة .
وأضاف في إنفعال : " أنا مش فاهم يعني ايه ناس ميتة ومبيتدفنوش؟ .. انا مش عارف اقول أيه انا كمان بصراحة .. حتي لو كافر ادفنه .. أهله اللي واقفين برة دول بيموتوا كل لحظة .
وأردف : حتي لو كافر أدفنه .. علي الاقل ترحم نفسك قدام الدنيا والمجتمع الدولي والناس .. ياخي اعملها خطة حتي عشان تكسب ناس .. انا مش عارف أقول ايه ".
وقال عزام : " ناس ميتة - أيا كان وضعهم - ولو أنت عايز تثبت عليهم جريمة او تقول أن الإخوان هما اللي قتلوهم مش مشكلة عندي .. المشكلة أن دة يتدفن بسرعة .. دي مسؤولية دولة .
وأضاف في إنفعال : " أنا مش فاهم يعني ايه ناس ميتة ومبيتدفنوش؟ .. انا مش عارف اقول أيه انا كمان بصراحة .. حتي لو كافر ادفنه .. أهله اللي واقفين برة دول بيموتوا كل لحظة .
وأردف : حتي لو كافر أدفنه .. علي الاقل ترحم نفسك قدام الدنيا والمجتمع الدولي والناس .. ياخي اعملها خطة حتي عشان تكسب ناس .. انا مش عارف أقول ايه ".
Murdering the Wretched of the Earth
By Chris Hedges

"Radical Islam is the last refuge of the Muslim poor. The mandated five prayers a day give the only real structure to the lives of impoverished believers. The careful rituals of washing before prayers in the mosque, the strict moral code, along with the understanding that life has an ultimate purpose and meaning, keep hundreds of millions of destitute Muslims from despair. The fundamentalist ideology that rises from oppression is rigid and unforgiving. It radically splits the world into black and white, good and evil, apostates and believers. It is bigoted and cruel to women, Jews, Christians and secularists, along with gays and lesbians. But at the same time it offers to those on the very bottom of society a final refuge and hope. The massacres of hundreds of believers in the streets of Cairo signal not only an assault against a religious ideology, not only a return to the brutal police state of Hosni Mubarak, but the start of a holy war that will turn Egypt and other poor regions of the globe into a caldron of blood and suffering.
The only way to break the hold of radical Islam is to give its followers a stake in the wider economy, the possibility of a life where the future is not dominated by grinding poverty, repression and hopelessness. If you live in the sprawling slums of Cairo or the refugee camps in Gaza or the concrete hovels in New Delhi, every avenue of escape is closed. You cannot get an education. You cannot get a job. You do not have the resources to marry. You cannot challenge the domination of the economy by the oligarchs and the generals. The only way left for you to affirm yourself is to become a martyr, or shahid. Then you will get what you cannot get in life—a brief moment of fame and glory. And while what will take place in Egypt will be defined as a religious war, and the acts of violence by the insurgents who will rise from the bloodied squares of Cairo will be defined as terrorism, the engine for this chaos is not religion but the collapsing economy of a world where the wretched of the earth are to be subjugated and starved or shot. The lines of battle are being drawn in Egypt and across the globe. Adli Mansour, the titular president appointed by the military dictator of Egypt, Gen. Abdul-Fattah el-Sisi, has imposed a military-led government, a curfew and a state of emergency. They will not be lifted soon.
The lifeblood of radical movements is martyrdom. The Egyptian military has provided an ample supply. The faces and the names of the sanctified dead will be used by enraged clerics to call for holy vengeance. And as violence grows and the lists of martyrs expand, a war will be ignited that will tear Egypt apart. Police, Coptic Christians, secularists, Westerners, businesses, banks, the tourism industry and the military will become targets. Those radical Islamists who were persuaded by the Muslim Brotherhood that electoral politics could work and brought into the system will go back underground, and many of the rank and file of the Muslim Brotherhood will join them. Crude bombs will be set off. Random attacks and assassinations by gunmen will puncture daily life in Egypt as they did in the 1990s when I was in Cairo for The New York Times, although this time the attacks will be wider and more fierce, far harder to control or ultimately crush.
What is happening in Egypt is a precursor to a wider global war between the world’s elites and the world’s poor, a war caused by diminishing resources, chronic unemployment and underemployment, overpopulation, declining crop yields caused by climate change, and rising food prices. Thirty-three percent of Egypt’s 80 million people are 14 or younger, and millions live under or just above the poverty line, which the World Bank sets at a daily income of $2 in that nation. The poor in Egypt spend more than half their income on food—often food that has little nutritional value. An estimated 13.7 million Egyptians, or 17 percent of the population, suffered from food insecurity in 2011, compared with 14 percent in 2009, according to a report by the U.N. World Food Program and the Egyptian Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics (CAPMAS). Malnutrition is endemic among poor children, with 31 percent under 5 years old stunted in growth. Illiteracy runs at more than 70 percent.
In “Les Misérables” Victor Hugo described war with the poor as one between the “egoists” and the “outcasts.” The egoists, Hugo wrote, had “the bemusement of prosperity, which blunts the sense, the fear of suffering which is some cases goes so far as to hate all sufferers, and unshakable complacency, the ego so inflated that is stifles the soul.” The outcasts, who were ignored until their persecution and deprivation morphed into violence, had “greed and envy, resentment at the happiness of others, the turmoil of the human element in search of personal fulfillment, hearts filled with fog, misery, needs, and fatalism, and simple, impure ignorance.”
The belief systems the oppressed embrace can be intolerant, but these belief systems are a response to the injustice, state violence and cruelty inflicted on them by the global elites. Our enemy is not radical Islam. It is global capitalism. It is a world where the wretched of the earth are forced to bow before the dictates of the marketplace, where children go hungry as global corporate elites siphon away the world’s wealth and natural resources and where our troops and U.S.-backed militaries carry out massacres on city streets. Egypt offers a window into the coming dystopia. The wars of survival will mark the final stage of human habitation of the planet. And if you want to know what they will look like, visit any city morgue in Cairo.
By Chris Hedges

"Radical Islam is the last refuge of the Muslim poor. The mandated five prayers a day give the only real structure to the lives of impoverished believers. The careful rituals of washing before prayers in the mosque, the strict moral code, along with the understanding that life has an ultimate purpose and meaning, keep hundreds of millions of destitute Muslims from despair. The fundamentalist ideology that rises from oppression is rigid and unforgiving. It radically splits the world into black and white, good and evil, apostates and believers. It is bigoted and cruel to women, Jews, Christians and secularists, along with gays and lesbians. But at the same time it offers to those on the very bottom of society a final refuge and hope. The massacres of hundreds of believers in the streets of Cairo signal not only an assault against a religious ideology, not only a return to the brutal police state of Hosni Mubarak, but the start of a holy war that will turn Egypt and other poor regions of the globe into a caldron of blood and suffering.
The only way to break the hold of radical Islam is to give its followers a stake in the wider economy, the possibility of a life where the future is not dominated by grinding poverty, repression and hopelessness. If you live in the sprawling slums of Cairo or the refugee camps in Gaza or the concrete hovels in New Delhi, every avenue of escape is closed. You cannot get an education. You cannot get a job. You do not have the resources to marry. You cannot challenge the domination of the economy by the oligarchs and the generals. The only way left for you to affirm yourself is to become a martyr, or shahid. Then you will get what you cannot get in life—a brief moment of fame and glory. And while what will take place in Egypt will be defined as a religious war, and the acts of violence by the insurgents who will rise from the bloodied squares of Cairo will be defined as terrorism, the engine for this chaos is not religion but the collapsing economy of a world where the wretched of the earth are to be subjugated and starved or shot. The lines of battle are being drawn in Egypt and across the globe. Adli Mansour, the titular president appointed by the military dictator of Egypt, Gen. Abdul-Fattah el-Sisi, has imposed a military-led government, a curfew and a state of emergency. They will not be lifted soon.
The lifeblood of radical movements is martyrdom. The Egyptian military has provided an ample supply. The faces and the names of the sanctified dead will be used by enraged clerics to call for holy vengeance. And as violence grows and the lists of martyrs expand, a war will be ignited that will tear Egypt apart. Police, Coptic Christians, secularists, Westerners, businesses, banks, the tourism industry and the military will become targets. Those radical Islamists who were persuaded by the Muslim Brotherhood that electoral politics could work and brought into the system will go back underground, and many of the rank and file of the Muslim Brotherhood will join them. Crude bombs will be set off. Random attacks and assassinations by gunmen will puncture daily life in Egypt as they did in the 1990s when I was in Cairo for The New York Times, although this time the attacks will be wider and more fierce, far harder to control or ultimately crush.
What is happening in Egypt is a precursor to a wider global war between the world’s elites and the world’s poor, a war caused by diminishing resources, chronic unemployment and underemployment, overpopulation, declining crop yields caused by climate change, and rising food prices. Thirty-three percent of Egypt’s 80 million people are 14 or younger, and millions live under or just above the poverty line, which the World Bank sets at a daily income of $2 in that nation. The poor in Egypt spend more than half their income on food—often food that has little nutritional value. An estimated 13.7 million Egyptians, or 17 percent of the population, suffered from food insecurity in 2011, compared with 14 percent in 2009, according to a report by the U.N. World Food Program and the Egyptian Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics (CAPMAS). Malnutrition is endemic among poor children, with 31 percent under 5 years old stunted in growth. Illiteracy runs at more than 70 percent.
In “Les Misérables” Victor Hugo described war with the poor as one between the “egoists” and the “outcasts.” The egoists, Hugo wrote, had “the bemusement of prosperity, which blunts the sense, the fear of suffering which is some cases goes so far as to hate all sufferers, and unshakable complacency, the ego so inflated that is stifles the soul.” The outcasts, who were ignored until their persecution and deprivation morphed into violence, had “greed and envy, resentment at the happiness of others, the turmoil of the human element in search of personal fulfillment, hearts filled with fog, misery, needs, and fatalism, and simple, impure ignorance.”
The belief systems the oppressed embrace can be intolerant, but these belief systems are a response to the injustice, state violence and cruelty inflicted on them by the global elites. Our enemy is not radical Islam. It is global capitalism. It is a world where the wretched of the earth are forced to bow before the dictates of the marketplace, where children go hungry as global corporate elites siphon away the world’s wealth and natural resources and where our troops and U.S.-backed militaries carry out massacres on city streets. Egypt offers a window into the coming dystopia. The wars of survival will mark the final stage of human habitation of the planet. And if you want to know what they will look like, visit any city morgue in Cairo.
Statement from the Egyptian Revolutionary Socialists on the Massacre in Cairo
by Jadaliyya Reports
[A victim of security forces that opened fire on protesters outside the Rabaa al-Adawiya mosque in Cairo (Mustafa Ozturk]
![[A victim of security forces that opened fire on protesters outside the Rabaa al-Adawiya mosque in Cairo (Mustafa Ozturk] [A victim of security forces that opened fire on protesters outside the Rabaa al-Adawiya mosque in Cairo (Mustafa Ozturk]](
"Down with military rule! Down with Al-Sisi, the leader of the counter-revolution!
The bloody dissolution of the sit-ins in Al-Nahda Square and Raba'a al-Adawiyya is nothing but a massacre—prepared in advance. It aims to liquidate the Muslim Brotherhood. But, it is also part of a plan to liquidate the Egyptian Revolution and restore the military-police state of the Mubarak regime.
The Revolutionary Socialists did not defend the regime of Mohamed Mursi and the Muslim Brotherhood for a single day. We were always in the front ranks of the opposition to that criminal, failed regime which betrayed the goals of the Egyptian Revolution. It even protected the pillars of the Mubarak regime and its security apparatus, armed forces and corrupt businessmen. We strongly participated in the revolutionary wave of 30 June.
Neither did we defend for a single day the sit-ins by the Brotherhood and their attempts to return Mursi to power.
But we have to put the events of today in their context, which is the use of the military to smash up workers' strikes. We also see the appointment of new provincial governors—largely drawn from the ranks of the remnants of the old regime, the police and military generals. Then there are the policies of General Abdel Fatah Al-Sisi's government. It has adopted a road-map clearly hostile to the goals and demands of the Egyptian revolution, which are freedom, dignity and social justice.
This is the context for the brutal massacre which the army and police are committing. It is a bloody dress rehearsal for the liquidation of the Egyptian Revolution. It aims to break the revolutionary will of all Egyptians who are claiming their rights, whether workers, poor, or revolutionary youth, by creating a state of terror.
However, the reaction by the Muslim Brotherhood and the Salafists in attacking Christians and their churches, is a sectarian crime which only serves the forces of counter-revolution. The filthy attempt to create a civil war, in which Egyptian Christians will fall victims to the reactionary Muslim Brotherhood, is one in which Mubarak's state and Al-Sisi are complicit, who have never for a single day defended the Copts and their churches.
We stand firmly against Al-Sisi's massacres, and against his ugly attempt to abort the Egyptian Revolution. For today's massacre is the first step in the road towards counter-revolution. We stand with the same firmness against all assaults on Egypt's Christians and against the sectarian campaign which only serves the interests of Al-Sisi and his bloody project.
Many who described themselves as liberals and leftists have betrayed the Egyptian Revolution, led by those who took part in Al-Sisi's government. They have sold the blood of the martyrs to whitewash the military and the counter-revolution. These people have blood on their hands.
We, the Revolutionary Socialists, will never deviate for an instant from the path of the Egyptian Revolution. We will never compromise on the rights of the revolutionary martyrs and their pure blood: those who fell confronting Mubarak, those who fell confronting the Military Council, those who fell confronting Mursi's regime, and those who fall now confronting Al-Sisi and his dogs.
Down with military rule!
No the return of the old regime!
No to the return of the Brotherhood!
All power and wealth to the people
The Revolutionary Socialists
14 August 2013
The bloody dissolution of the sit-ins in Al-Nahda Square and Raba'a al-Adawiyya is nothing but a massacre—prepared in advance. It aims to liquidate the Muslim Brotherhood. But, it is also part of a plan to liquidate the Egyptian Revolution and restore the military-police state of the Mubarak regime.
The Revolutionary Socialists did not defend the regime of Mohamed Mursi and the Muslim Brotherhood for a single day. We were always in the front ranks of the opposition to that criminal, failed regime which betrayed the goals of the Egyptian Revolution. It even protected the pillars of the Mubarak regime and its security apparatus, armed forces and corrupt businessmen. We strongly participated in the revolutionary wave of 30 June.
Neither did we defend for a single day the sit-ins by the Brotherhood and their attempts to return Mursi to power.
But we have to put the events of today in their context, which is the use of the military to smash up workers' strikes. We also see the appointment of new provincial governors—largely drawn from the ranks of the remnants of the old regime, the police and military generals. Then there are the policies of General Abdel Fatah Al-Sisi's government. It has adopted a road-map clearly hostile to the goals and demands of the Egyptian revolution, which are freedom, dignity and social justice.
This is the context for the brutal massacre which the army and police are committing. It is a bloody dress rehearsal for the liquidation of the Egyptian Revolution. It aims to break the revolutionary will of all Egyptians who are claiming their rights, whether workers, poor, or revolutionary youth, by creating a state of terror.
However, the reaction by the Muslim Brotherhood and the Salafists in attacking Christians and their churches, is a sectarian crime which only serves the forces of counter-revolution. The filthy attempt to create a civil war, in which Egyptian Christians will fall victims to the reactionary Muslim Brotherhood, is one in which Mubarak's state and Al-Sisi are complicit, who have never for a single day defended the Copts and their churches.
We stand firmly against Al-Sisi's massacres, and against his ugly attempt to abort the Egyptian Revolution. For today's massacre is the first step in the road towards counter-revolution. We stand with the same firmness against all assaults on Egypt's Christians and against the sectarian campaign which only serves the interests of Al-Sisi and his bloody project.
Many who described themselves as liberals and leftists have betrayed the Egyptian Revolution, led by those who took part in Al-Sisi's government. They have sold the blood of the martyrs to whitewash the military and the counter-revolution. These people have blood on their hands.
We, the Revolutionary Socialists, will never deviate for an instant from the path of the Egyptian Revolution. We will never compromise on the rights of the revolutionary martyrs and their pure blood: those who fell confronting Mubarak, those who fell confronting the Military Council, those who fell confronting Mursi's regime, and those who fall now confronting Al-Sisi and his dogs.
Down with military rule!
No the return of the old regime!
No to the return of the Brotherhood!
All power and wealth to the people
The Revolutionary Socialists
14 August 2013
Death toll from Wednesday violence now 638
An Egyptian health ministry spokesman, quoted by Associated Press, has revised the death toll from Wednesday's clashes. It now stands at 638.

What Muslim Will Ever Trust the Ballot Box Again?
Bloodbath in Cairo
By Robert Fisk
"The Egyptian crucible has broken. The “unity” of Egypt – that all-embracing, patriotic, essential glue that has bound the nation together since the overthrow of the monarchy in 1952 and the rule of Nasser – has melted amid the massacres, gun battles and fury of yesterday’s suppression of the Muslim Brotherhood. A hundred dead – 200, 300 “martyrs” – makes no difference to the outcome: for millions of Egyptians, the path of democracy has been torn up amid live fire and brutality. What Muslim seeking a state based on his or her religion will ever trust the ballot box again?
This is the real story of yesterday’s bloodbath. Who can be surprised that some Muslim Brotherhood supporters were wielding Kalashnikovs on the streets of Cairo? Or that supporters of the army and its “interim government” – in middle-class areas of the capital, no less – have seized their weapons or produced their own and started shooting back. This is not Brotherhood vs army, though that is how our Western statesmen will mendaciously try to portray this tragedy. Today’s violence has created a cruel division within Egyptian society [Creative Destruction Succeeds Again!]that will take years to heal; between leftists and secularists and Christian Copts and Sunni Muslim villagers, between people and police, between Brotherhood and army. That is why Mohamed el-Baradei resigned tonight. The burning of churches was an inevitable corollary of this terrible business....."
By Robert Fisk
"The Egyptian crucible has broken. The “unity” of Egypt – that all-embracing, patriotic, essential glue that has bound the nation together since the overthrow of the monarchy in 1952 and the rule of Nasser – has melted amid the massacres, gun battles and fury of yesterday’s suppression of the Muslim Brotherhood. A hundred dead – 200, 300 “martyrs” – makes no difference to the outcome: for millions of Egyptians, the path of democracy has been torn up amid live fire and brutality. What Muslim seeking a state based on his or her religion will ever trust the ballot box again?
This is the real story of yesterday’s bloodbath. Who can be surprised that some Muslim Brotherhood supporters were wielding Kalashnikovs on the streets of Cairo? Or that supporters of the army and its “interim government” – in middle-class areas of the capital, no less – have seized their weapons or produced their own and started shooting back. This is not Brotherhood vs army, though that is how our Western statesmen will mendaciously try to portray this tragedy. Today’s violence has created a cruel division within Egyptian society [Creative Destruction Succeeds Again!]that will take years to heal; between leftists and secularists and Christian Copts and Sunni Muslim villagers, between people and police, between Brotherhood and army. That is why Mohamed el-Baradei resigned tonight. The burning of churches was an inevitable corollary of this terrible business....."
Dispatches: Deaths, Chaos in Egypt
Heba Morayef
"Human Rights Watch is investigating security forces killing of at least 278 protesters after Egyptian security forces moved in to clear the two sit-ins of Muslim Brotherhood supporters on Wednesday morning. Heba Morayef reported from just outside the site of the Rab’a sit-in:
Access to the Rab’a Medical Clinic was limited due to nearby snipers. This meant that ambulances couldn't reach the hospital and people carrying wounded out on stretchers had to run through sniper fire.
“One man next to us was shot and fell to the ground as we ran across,” Morayef said. “Doctors inside the hospital were attempting to operate in crowded hallways with very basic equipment.”
Doctors told Morayef that of the dead they saw, 64 were killed by live fire and shot in the head and chest, with the exception of one man who was burned to death in his tent. "
"Human Rights Watch is investigating security forces killing of at least 278 protesters after Egyptian security forces moved in to clear the two sit-ins of Muslim Brotherhood supporters on Wednesday morning. Heba Morayef reported from just outside the site of the Rab’a sit-in:
Access to the Rab’a Medical Clinic was limited due to nearby snipers. This meant that ambulances couldn't reach the hospital and people carrying wounded out on stretchers had to run through sniper fire.
“One man next to us was shot and fell to the ground as we ran across,” Morayef said. “Doctors inside the hospital were attempting to operate in crowded hallways with very basic equipment.”
Doctors told Morayef that of the dead they saw, 64 were killed by live fire and shot in the head and chest, with the exception of one man who was burned to death in his tent. "
OP-ED: Egyptian Military Scuttles the Revolution
By Emile Nakhleh

"WASHINGTON, Aug 15 2013 (IPS) - The revolutionary aspirations for justice, dignity and hope that Egypt’s young people brought to the world in January 2011 were crushed Wednesday by the military’s bloody crackdown.
Declaring a State of Emergency and putting the army on the streets is a sure sign that the January 2011 revolution, which toppled Hosni Mubarak, has been upended. Many Egyptians are worried that key elements of the Mubarak regime are back in the saddle. Egypt may be sliding into civil war and state failure.
Muhammad El-Baradei’s resignation as vice president indicates that Egyptian liberals who supported the military in ousting former democratically elected president Mohamed Morsi are becoming clear-eyed about the military’s intention to scuttle the post-Mubarak democratic experiment.
General Abdel Fattah al-Sisi’s appointment of over a dozen and a half retired army generals as governors throughout Egypt is yet another sign that the military is here to stay......"

"WASHINGTON, Aug 15 2013 (IPS) - The revolutionary aspirations for justice, dignity and hope that Egypt’s young people brought to the world in January 2011 were crushed Wednesday by the military’s bloody crackdown.
Declaring a State of Emergency and putting the army on the streets is a sure sign that the January 2011 revolution, which toppled Hosni Mubarak, has been upended. Many Egyptians are worried that key elements of the Mubarak regime are back in the saddle. Egypt may be sliding into civil war and state failure.
Muhammad El-Baradei’s resignation as vice president indicates that Egyptian liberals who supported the military in ousting former democratically elected president Mohamed Morsi are becoming clear-eyed about the military’s intention to scuttle the post-Mubarak democratic experiment.
General Abdel Fattah al-Sisi’s appointment of over a dozen and a half retired army generals as governors throughout Egypt is yet another sign that the military is here to stay......"
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