Arab "Leaders" Breaking Wind, Non-Stop, at the Arab League
"Arab League Secretary General said early on Friday that Arab countries will not offer Israel normalization for free during the upcoming US-sponsored Mideast peace conference.....
"There is nothing called a normalization for free," Moussa told reporters at the end of the meeting. "Arabs are going to participate in the (Annapolis) meeting, to show support for the Palestinians, based on the Arab peace initiative," he added......
Chief Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat also said that Annapolis meeting will revive the stalled peace process.
"We, as a Palestinian party, have witnessed a seven year frozen political
process," Erekat said at the end of the meeting. "Now the question is not
whether should we go or not, but the strategic question is how will we go as Arabs?"
"We want peace, but it won't be for whatever price," he added......"
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