By Khalid Amayreh
"On Monday, 10 August, it was revealed that Fadi Hamadneh, died at the notorious Juneid lockup in Nablus . The circumstances of his death remain unclear as of the time of preparing this report, but his family and relatives are accusing security agents of the Western-backed Palestinian Authority (PA) of torturing him to death.
Hamadneh’s brother dismissed the official PA narrative that he committed suicide in his cell as “hogwash” and “blatant lies.”......
Hamadneh is the third Palestinian detainee to die as a result of alleged torture in PA custody this year......
The killing of detainees by way of torturing them to death is not done by mistake. It is rather a deliberate and sadistic policy aimed at exacting revenge on Hamas supporters in the West Bank.....
Having said that, it is important to point out that the PA leadership is not the only villain here. The European Union, the United States and others donors have a great share of the blame for these hideous crimes......
So, on behalf of the bulk of Palestinians who value freedom and human rights, especially the right to life, I want to communicate the following message to Europeans and Americans and others who keep the PA afloat:
Please don’t kill us by your money, don’t fund torture, and don’t bankroll human rights violations in our tormented country. Be true to your own declared values and ideals.
We already have had more than enough of Israeli savagery and barbarianism at the hands of the Israeli occupation army and the Nazi-like Jewish settlers.
So, must we be further tormented, tortured and killed by our own people who claim to be protecting us and safeguarding our vital interests?"
"On Monday, 10 August, it was revealed that Fadi Hamadneh, died at the notorious Juneid lockup in Nablus . The circumstances of his death remain unclear as of the time of preparing this report, but his family and relatives are accusing security agents of the Western-backed Palestinian Authority (PA) of torturing him to death.
Hamadneh’s brother dismissed the official PA narrative that he committed suicide in his cell as “hogwash” and “blatant lies.”......
Hamadneh is the third Palestinian detainee to die as a result of alleged torture in PA custody this year......
The killing of detainees by way of torturing them to death is not done by mistake. It is rather a deliberate and sadistic policy aimed at exacting revenge on Hamas supporters in the West Bank.....
Having said that, it is important to point out that the PA leadership is not the only villain here. The European Union, the United States and others donors have a great share of the blame for these hideous crimes......
So, on behalf of the bulk of Palestinians who value freedom and human rights, especially the right to life, I want to communicate the following message to Europeans and Americans and others who keep the PA afloat:
Please don’t kill us by your money, don’t fund torture, and don’t bankroll human rights violations in our tormented country. Be true to your own declared values and ideals.
We already have had more than enough of Israeli savagery and barbarianism at the hands of the Israeli occupation army and the Nazi-like Jewish settlers.
So, must we be further tormented, tortured and killed by our own people who claim to be protecting us and safeguarding our vital interests?"
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