Saturday, September 11, 2010

Ahmadinejad: Koran Burning Would Fuel Israel Annihilation

(Click on cartoon by Khalil Bendib to enlarge)


"10/09/2010 Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said on Friday that the plan by a US church to burn Islam's holy book of Koran was a "Zionist plot" that would end up in the speedy "annihilation" of Israel [COMMENT: Sure! Tell us some more please; this is the first time we hear about this annihilation business from you. By the way, when are you going to visit the Green Zone in Baghdad, again? U.S. Marines will guarantee your safety, as they did last time.]

The Koran burning plan was a "Zionist plot that is against the teachings of all divine prophets," state television quoted Ahmadinejad as saying at a meeting of senior government officials with supreme leader Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Khamenei. "Zionists and their supporters are on their way to collapse and dissolution and such last-ditch actions will not save them, but multiply the pace of their fall and annihilation."....."