A Comment by Tony Sayegh
Two weeks ago, the representative of the PA, Riyadh Mansour, upon instructions by the Israeli quisling government in Ramallah, opposed the introduction by Qatar and Indonesia of a resolution in the Security Council. The resolution was to open the Rafah crossing between Gaza and Egypt and to help ease the terrible humanitarian crisis of the 1.5 million Palestinians in Gaza. In addition, the resolution asked for the return of the over 6,000 Palestinians who were stranded in Egypt, with no resources left or shelter, due to the Abbas government's refusal to ask for the opening of the Rafah crossing. Never in the history of the Palestinian struggle had a so-called Palestinian “leader” so openly conspired with the occupiers and the tormentors of the Palestinian people, so cruelly and shamelessly.
This, however, was not an isolated incident. It is becoming clear, day by day, that the Ramallah gang is determined to starve and to inflict as much suffering on the Palestinians in Gaza, to bring down the democratically elected Hamas government.
Now, act two in this cruel and unconscionable strategy by Abbas and Fayyad is unfolding. It involves cutting off fuel supplies for the electric generating station in Gaza. With full coordination with Israel, the crossing through which the fuel is shipped from Israel was closed a few days ago, “for security reasons.” That led to cutting the electric production by 75%. Now Israel is claiming that the crossing is open again -- but there is a catch.
The Israeli company which supplies the fuel is now saying that the EU, which had agreed to pay for the fuel shipment, is in fact refusing to pay and a decision will not be coming until Monday.
The real story is that the Vichy government of Abbas and Fayyad has asked the EU not to pay and to work with Israel to stop the supply of fuel. Abbas and Fayyad are determined to punish the Palestinians in Gaza, regardless of how many will die due to the electric shutdown. The electric company has stopped all electric generation as of today.
This will cause a huge humanitarian disaster, since pumps needed to pump potable water and sewage have stopped. Hospital equipment which requires electricity is no longer operable. Here is a quote from yesterday’s message of Dr. Mona El-Farra in Gaza:
“I am extremely worried about the power cut off; more than 50%of Gaza electricity is paralyzed. At Al Awda hospital, we have enough fuel to run our alternative electrical generators for one week. All hospitals are threatened to stop surgical operations and different medical services, if the situation will continue. Many essential medications are lacking on the hospital shelves. I expect the poverty level to increase to unprecedented level. Ordinary Palestinian people pay the price….”
What comes next, Mr. Palestinian Pinochet? Water supply? An outright full Israeli invasion of Gaza with you in the lead tank?
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