Palestine Monitor
16 February 2010
Revelations in the Israeli media concerning Mahmoud Abbas and former aide Rafiq Husseini should surprise no-one. Slurs comes thick and fast against perceived enemies of Israel, from presidents to charities. To list the Palestinian victims of media assassination would take forever, so we chose some of the more surprising targets.
Latest victims of defamation campaign:
Human Rights Watch
David Bernstein of the Wall Street Journal denounced HRW, one of the largest and most respected rights groups, as “maniacally anti-Israel”, following their fund-raising trip to Saudi Arabia last year. Allegedly Sarah Leah Whitson, director of HRW, “trafficked in a toxic perception of Jews” and her organisation wilfully ignored Saudi Arabia’s less than pristine human rights record. The same day Bernstein’s piece was published, Israeli government spokesman Mark Regev added his two cents, claiming; “A human rights organization raising money in Saudi Arabia is like a women’s rights group asking the Taliban for a donation” and “Human Rights Watch has seriously lost its moral compass”. Whitson responded that the accusations were “fundamentally racist. Support from citizens of Arab countries for the work of Human Rights Watch – including criticism of rights violations by their governments – is something to be applauded, not denigrated. Believe it or not, some Arabs believe in human rights too.” She also detailed discussions of rights abuses within the Kingdom, prompting a public apology from Bernstein.
New Israel Fund
Charles Freeman
Alex Jones
Jimmy Carter
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