Monday, December 24, 2007

Iraqi fighters display new weapons

Al Jazeera's Hoda Abdel Hamid reports

"Foreign forces in Iraq are hoping that a much heralded drop in violence in Iraq will continue into the new year.

However, in exclusive images obtained by Al Jazeera, it seems fighters from the Islamic Front for Resistance in Iraq (Jami) are merely biding their time and training hard with an array of new weapons in order to drive foreign forces out as soon as possible.....

Over the past four years, groups such as Jami have grown into organised war machines, with fighters divided in combat cells, snipers, anti-aircraft gunners, bomb makers and artillery experts......

The recent announcement that Washington and the Iraqi government are drawing up plans for long-term US military bases is for many Iraqis proof of an open-ended occupation.

The fighters have every intention of continuing their operations and in an ever more sophisticated manner.

"Our researchers are developing remote-controlled explosive devices," one man says.

"Soon we will be able to wage a battle with as little as two fighters - we will minimise our losses."

Almost five years after the start of the war in Iraq, the US still has not acknowledged the existence of a fighting force hostile to the presence of foreign troops on Iraqi soil.

And despite a decrease in US casualties over the past two months, the fighters warn they are in this battle for the long haul."

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