At Riyadh summit, Arab states to propose increasing aid to PA
"Arab governments hope to increase aid to the Palestinians, including channeling more money to the newly formed Palestinian unity government led by the militant group Hamas, according to a document prepared for this week's summit of Arab leaders.
The proposal, expected to be endorsed by Arab leaders later this week, comes as U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice is in the region seeking a common footing with Arab allies on how to revive the stalled Middle East peace process.
Arab diplomats said the aid increase would be aimed at coaxing the militant Hamas movement toward more compromise and would give it equal billing with Western-backed moderates in the Palestinian coalition government.......
That money has so far been sent to the office of Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas, and not to the Hamas-led government. Arab diplomats taking part in Sunday discussions, speaking on condition of anonymity because of the issue's sensitivity, said the Arab leaders will decide whether the money should go to the government.
Speaking to reporters Sunday, Saudi Foreign Minister Saudi al-Faisal confirmed the summit would extend the aid to the Palestinians but did not say whether the money would go directly to the government......
The diplomats said any Arab aid to the government would be channeled through the minister of finance, Salam Fayyad, an internationally respected economist and political independent.
Fayyad, a former World Bank official, is leading Palestinian efforts to end international sanctions imposed a year ago when the Islamic militants of Hamas won an election and set up a government.
The top U.S. diplomat in Jerusalem, Jacob Walles, met Fayyad last week - the United States' first contact with the new Hamas-Fatah coalition and the end of a yearlong diplomatic boycott of the Palestinian government......."
There are "good Palestinians" such as the Saudi-imposed "Finance Minister" Fayyad who is close to the Bush Administration and who held the same position when most of the aid to the Palestinians was stolen and embezzled by Abbas' cronies. And there are the "bad Palestinians" who want clean institutions and who insist on their rights. The U.S. refuses to deal with these "bad Palestinians." However, for a few Saudi $ millions more, HAMAS could join the "good Palestinians."
Just think of what you could do with that extra cash, Mr. Habila.
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