"24/01/2009 Syrian President Bashar al-Assad congratulated Hamas politburo Chief Khaled Mashaal on the Islamic resistance movement's victory over Israel in Gaza at a meeting in Damascus on Saturday, official media said. Assad "congratulated the Palestinian people on the victory scored by the resistance in the Gaza Strip," the official SANA news agency said......"

COMMENT: Is that not the same Assad who was, until a few weeks ago, "negotiating" indirectly with Olmert through the good offices of the Turkish government? Was he not the same Assad who called for "direct negotiations" with the terrorist state? Was he not the same Assad who confidently predicted that Israel would return the Golan back to him?
Now he congratulates the Palestinians. Before, and after Israel's humiliating defeat by Hizbullah in 2006, he congratulated Hizbullah and the Lebanese. When is he going to stop being a cheerleader for others and try to put up a fight to regain the Golan?
Oh, I forgot: he is the head of a despised regime and Arab regimes are not known for their performance in fights with Israel. After all, the Syrian regime lost the Golan when it was beaten, together with the Egyptian and Jordanian regimes, in just 6 days in 1967!
We should never lose sight of the nature of Arab regimes and their mendacity, Assad's included.
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