We welcome a no-fly zone, but the blood of Libya's dead will be wasted if the west curses our uprising with failed intervention
Muhammad min Libya
guardian.co.uk, Tuesday 1 March 2011
"....But despite this bleak picture of Tripoli, people have high hopes and faith that we are now witnessing the last moments of Gaddafi's regime. This man no longer rules Libya; he is merely a man with a gun turned to the people.
His two speeches, and his son's before that, were nothing but threats – they all backfired in favour of the Libyan revolution. Libyan tribes from the east to the west went out to assert national unity....
This happy ending, however, is marred by a fear shared by all Libyans; that of a possible western military intervention to end the crisis.
Don't get me wrong. I, like most Libyans, believe that imposing a no-fly zone would be a good way to deal the regime a hard blow on many levels; it would cut the route of the mercenary convoys summoned from Africa, it would prevent Gaddafi from smuggling money and other assets, and most importantly it would stop the regime from bombing weapons arsenals that many eyewitnesses have maintained contain chemical weapons; something that would unleash an unimaginable catastrophe, not to mention that his planes might actually carry such weapons.
Nevertheless, one thing seems to have united Libyans of all stripes; any military intervention on the ground by any foreign force would be met – as Mustafa Abud Al Jeleil, the former justice minister and head of the opposition-formed interim government, said – with fighting much harsher than what the mercenaries themselves have unleashed.
Nor do I favour the possibility of a limited air strike for specific targets. This is a wholly popular revolution, the fuel to which has been the blood of the Libyan people. Libyans fought alone when western countries were busy ignoring their revolution at the beginning, fearful of their interests in Libya. This is why I'd like the revolution to be ended by those who first started it: the people of Libya......."
Muhammad min Libya
guardian.co.uk, Tuesday 1 March 2011
"....But despite this bleak picture of Tripoli, people have high hopes and faith that we are now witnessing the last moments of Gaddafi's regime. This man no longer rules Libya; he is merely a man with a gun turned to the people.
His two speeches, and his son's before that, were nothing but threats – they all backfired in favour of the Libyan revolution. Libyan tribes from the east to the west went out to assert national unity....
This happy ending, however, is marred by a fear shared by all Libyans; that of a possible western military intervention to end the crisis.
Don't get me wrong. I, like most Libyans, believe that imposing a no-fly zone would be a good way to deal the regime a hard blow on many levels; it would cut the route of the mercenary convoys summoned from Africa, it would prevent Gaddafi from smuggling money and other assets, and most importantly it would stop the regime from bombing weapons arsenals that many eyewitnesses have maintained contain chemical weapons; something that would unleash an unimaginable catastrophe, not to mention that his planes might actually carry such weapons.
Nevertheless, one thing seems to have united Libyans of all stripes; any military intervention on the ground by any foreign force would be met – as Mustafa Abud Al Jeleil, the former justice minister and head of the opposition-formed interim government, said – with fighting much harsher than what the mercenaries themselves have unleashed.
Nor do I favour the possibility of a limited air strike for specific targets. This is a wholly popular revolution, the fuel to which has been the blood of the Libyan people. Libyans fought alone when western countries were busy ignoring their revolution at the beginning, fearful of their interests in Libya. This is why I'd like the revolution to be ended by those who first started it: the people of Libya......."
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