Abbas and his aids have no conscience or shame joining the government of the settlers in the fight against the Palestinian resistance and starving and killing the people he claims to be their president.
By Dr. Hasan Afif El-Hasan
Special to PalestineChronicle.com
"By releasing $120 million of frozen Palestinian tax revenues to Abbas and Fayyad government, Israel had the best deal money can buy. It was Palestinian money used to buy a Palestinian partner in the fight against the Palestinian resistance to occupation and settlements. Better yet, the partner is the Palestinian President and the money is a reward for his collaboration with the Israelis on condition that he and his Prime Minister Fayyad must not renew contacts with Hamas.......
As part of the payoff to the Israelis, Abbas security forces have been cooperating with the occupation agencies in pursuing the Palestinian resistance cells in the West Bank, while the Israeli military unleashed daily air strikes against Hamas targets in the Gaza Strip killing activists and civilians and destroying property. The PA leadership made it easy for Israel to divide the Palestinians into moderates and extremists and resume assassination and arrests of those who oppose the occupation everywhere in the occupied land. PA security forces arrest of Hamas activists is coordinated with the Israeli occupation forces which tightly controls the territories. News media reported that sometimes the Israeli military targeted the same individuals arrested by the PA......
Abbas talks about reaching a framework that goes beyond declarations in the upcoming US proposed meeting. Never mind that the Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak thinks a peace deal with the Palestinians anytime soon is "fantasy", Abbas chose to be not as the president of all the Palestinians. Israel believes that Abbas earned only the tax money and photo ops with Prime Minister Olmert every two weeks for the services he rendered. The Israeli defense minister who controls the West Bank and lays complete siege on Gaza Strip through the IDF suggested on August 10, 2007 that Israel would keep the checkpoints in the West Bank for several years to come. The defense minister added that the regular meetings between Olmert and Abbas are only for public relations......
Nabil Amr, a close aide to Abbas and a former Palestinian Authority minister of information stated in an interview with al-Hayat newspaper that Hamas is sheltering and harboring members of Al-Qaeda in Gaza. His charge is devoid of any credibility because Hamas is not a jihadist organization like Al-Qaeda, but it suggests that Abbas and his supporters have no problem spreading lies to aid Israel and the US in their claim that the Palestinian resistance is part of the international terrorism. They openly justify Israel’s continuous attacks on their own people. Lumping Hamas group and Al Qaeda terrorists together by Palestinian leaders at this time when the US is fighting terrorism tooth and nail is an invitation by Abbas henchmen to crush the Palestinian resistance.
And on July 30, Abbas envoy to the United Nations blocked efforts by Qatar to introduce a resolution that would have brought attention to the suffering of the Palestinians in Gaza and the need to rescue the one and half million from diseases and starvation due the Israeli siege. Abbas man managed to “pull out the resolution” and spare Israel the effort to defend its unlawful inhumane actions against the residents of the big jail that is called Gaza Strip.
Abbas and his aids have no conscience or shame joining the government of the settlers in the fight against the Palestinian resistance and starving and killing the people he claims to be their president. If this is not insanity, it must be treason."
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