Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Arms suppliers urged to halt transfers to the Egyptian army

Amnesty International
20 December 2011

"Global arms suppliers must halt the transfer of small arms, ammunition and other repressive equipment to the Egyptian military and security forces, Amnesty International said today after the army again violently dispersed protests in Cairo.

The organization condemned the excessive use of force against protesters and called for a cessation of all transfers of small arms, light weapons and related munitions and equipment to Egypt, as well as a halt to all internal security equipment that could be used to violently suppress human rights, such as tear gas, rubber and plastic bullets and armoured vehicles.

It can no longer be considered acceptable to supply the Egyptian army with the types of weaponry, munitions and other equipment that are being used to help carry out the brutal acts we have seen used against protesters,” said Hassiba Hadj Sahraoui, Deputy Director for the Middle East and North Africa at Amnesty International.

“It is clear that either the military police has been given orders to disperse demonstrators at any cost, or the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces does not control the army and security forces. Either scenario is equally worrying.”

According to the Egyptian Ministry of Health, at least 11 people have been killed and hundreds injured since Friday 16 December.

At least 300 people have been arrested and referred to the prosecution, among them at least 11 women and many minors reportedly as young as 10 years old. Around 50 more were arrested for several hours and then released. All were reportedly badly beaten and those still in detention are being denied medical treatment...."