Desert Peace
"What was a quiet day in Jerusalem turned into a nightmare by evening. I was on my way to a family celebration when I was confronted by hundreds of stone throwing Judeonazis, preventing me from getting where I was headed.
"What was a quiet day in Jerusalem turned into a nightmare by evening. I was on my way to a family celebration when I was confronted by hundreds of stone throwing Judeonazis, preventing me from getting where I was headed.
I had no idea what was going on until their ‘fuhrer’ Baruch Marzel stood directly in front of our car. The police escorted us away from the scene and we were able to return home where I found the following report on the Net…. it was definitely not a place for DesertPeace to be in the middle of….
Hundreds of extreme right-wing activists break through police barriers, enter east Jerusalem neighborhood of Jabel Mukaber in bid to destroy house of terrorist who killed eight yeshiva students in Jerusalem. Policeman lightly hurt in clashes; nine people arrested…
More than 100 extreme right-wing activists arrived Sunday afternoon at the east Jerusalem neighborhood of Jabel Mukaber and began hurling stones at houses. Large police forces were dispatched to the area and nine of the stone throwers were arrested. A policeman was lightly injured in the clashes.
Hundreds of demonstrators gathered earlier at Jerusalem’s Armon Hanatziv promenade in order to march to the Arab neighborhood and destroy the house of the terrorist who killed eight students at the Mercaz Harav yeshiva about 10 days ago
The rest can be read HERE"
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