"It has sometimes been noted that the neoconservatives, conspicuously absent on the battlefield, excel at the Washington infighting that enabled their ascent in the first place. Marine and Army combat units are justifiably proud of never leaving a comrade behind on the battlefield. Neocons adhere to a somewhat different philosophy, namely putting the boot in to an erstwhile ally who has faltered in the struggle for global hegemony and lost his usefulness. When Francis Fukuyama could no longer see the sense in what was going on in Iraq and said so publicly, he was excoriated by his former friends at the American Enterprise Institute. Donald Rumsfeld, who did everything the neocons wanted and more, also fell (or was pushed) under the wheels when the Mesopotamian adventure turned out to be somewhat less than Club Med on the Euphrates. No less a sage than Richard Perle, while conceding that Rumsfeld had kicked Iraqi butt during the April 2003 invasion, suggested ominously that the defense secretary had somehow failed in his execution of the remainder of the Iraq plan, which had been carefully crafted by leading neocon intellectual Paul Wolfowitz of "oil revenue will pay for reconstruction" fame.
But within the neocon pantheon of the great and not so great there is one man who stands out for sheer class, integrity, and intellectual rigor: Douglas J. Feith, the former undersecretary of defense for policy...... And now, for everyone who was disappointed by the ultimate Harry Potter book or the latest recommendation from Oprah, Doug Feith is preparing to explain himself in his own words through a massive 688-page tome that goes on sale April 8........."
But within the neocon pantheon of the great and not so great there is one man who stands out for sheer class, integrity, and intellectual rigor: Douglas J. Feith, the former undersecretary of defense for policy...... And now, for everyone who was disappointed by the ultimate Harry Potter book or the latest recommendation from Oprah, Doug Feith is preparing to explain himself in his own words through a massive 688-page tome that goes on sale April 8........."
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