Thursday, December 22, 2011

New Egypt website documenting military crimes

Joseph Mayton
Bikya Masr

"CAIRO: A new Egyptian website has been launched in order to document violations of rights committed by Egypt’s military, focusing on the most recent clashes in Cairo that left at least 14 people dead and over 700 wounded in five days of fighting.

The new site,, aims to assist users to upload any video or image that shows violence by the armed forces in Egypt against protesters or civilians. Already, dozens of images and videos have been uploaded to the site.

Help us Document SCAF Crimes against the Egyptian People, if you have any pictures or videos please submit them and help spread the truth!” the website says when a user attempts to upload something.

The images are already creating a stir in online networks in the country, with activists hopeful that the easy-to-use format will assist Egyptian citizens to speak out with what they are terming evidence of violations against Egyptians in the country.

Ironically, the military claimed on Monday at a press conference that protesters used “excessive force” against soldiers, who employed the utmost “self-restraint” and did “not use violence or force against protesters.”

Videos online, including on show uniformed soldiers throwing rocks from atop buildings toward protesters on the street below near the Cabinet building as well as numerous videos and images of soldiers attacking protesters, beating them brutally."


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