Fatah Wants Palestinians in Lebanon to Fight With the Siniora Army
This important news item appears only in Arabic. I will translate and will try to put it in perspective.
"The Fatah official in Lebanon, Sultan Abu Al-Ainain, stated that the time has come for the various Palestinian organizations in Lebanon to take part in military operations, side by side with the Lebanese army, to finish off the "gang" of Fatah Al-Islam which still has tens of fighters inside Nahr El-Bared refugee camp in north Lebanon.
In a press conference, the Fatah official said that from the beginning some Palestinian organizations (not including Fatah) have insisted on limiting the Palestinian contribution to trying to find only a political solution to end the crisis.
According to Abu Al-Ainain, it is the duty of the Palestinian organizations in Lebanon to take part in the military operations after the failure of political efforts to convince the "gang of Fatah Al-Islam" to surrender. He stated that the shelling of Lebanese villages close to the camp by this "gang" was a flagrant and unacceptable attack on the Lebanese people......"
The significance of this news item is that it hints of a strategic alliance between Fatah and the American-Israeli-Saudi project in the area. Just as Fatah's thugs under Dahlan, with arming and financing by Elliott Abrams and Condoleezza Rice, were intended to spread "creative destruction," chaos and division in Gaza and the occupied West Bank, Fatah is now intent on doing the same in Lebanon.
By clearly taking sides with the Siniora army, which for two months has been shelling and destroying the Nahr El-Bared camp resulting in scores of Palestinian dead and wounded and the forced destitution of over 35,000 Palestinian refugees Fatah, again, puts itself not on the side of the Palestinian people.
By demanding that Palestinians fight and die for the Siniora army, while that same army is still detaining, abusing and torturing over 150 Palestinians from the camp, would only mean that Fatah wants Palestinians to fight each other; is this not the plan? If they fought with the Siniora army, how would those Fatah fighters have reacted when the Siniora army opened fire on peaceful Palestinian refugees from the camp who simply wanted to go back, killing two and injuring a dozen?
Equally important, is Fatah advocating becoming a party to a potential civil war in Lebanon? The answer is apparently yes, since that civil war is being instigated by Usrael. Does Fatah want all Palestinians in Lebanon to join in the Usraeli fight against Hizbullah? Apparently this is the plan.
Fatah is now solidly in the Usraeli camp and this will mean the acceleration of its demise, which will not come too soon.
"قال أمين سر حركة فتح في لبنان إن الوقت قد حان لتشارك الفصائل الفلسطينية في لبنان، بالعمليات العسكرية إلى جانب الجيش اللبناني للقضاء على "عصابة" فتح الإسلام التي يتحصن العشرات من أفرادها في مخيم نهر البارد شمال لبنان.
وأوضح سلطان أبو العينين في مؤتمر صحفي أن بعض الجماعات الفلسطينية هي التي أصرت منذ البداية على أن تقتصر مساهمة الفلسطينيين بإنهاء أزمة نهر البارد على الجانب السياسي فقط.
وحسب أبو العينين فإن من واجب الفصائل الفلسطينية الموجودة في لبنان أن تساهم في العمل العسكري بعد أن فشلت الجهود السياسية بإقناع "عصابة فتح الإسلام" بالاستسلام، معتبرا أن قصف هذه الجماعة قرى لبنانية بالقرب من المخيمات "اعتداء سافر وغير مقبول على الشعب اللبناني". كما رأى أن لجوء فتح الإسلام لإطلاق هذه الصواريخ "دليل على أنها في النفس الأخير من حياتها".
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