Jews can’t have it both ways
From Khalid Amayreh in occupied East Jerusalem
"OCCUPIED JERUSALEM, (PIC)-- I realize that there are many good Jews who reject racism of any kind, including Zionism, an explicitly fascist movement of East European origin that has seriously eroded the moral fabric of Judaism. I also know there are many honest and conscientious Jews who have spoken up against the evils of the Israeli state which has made the Star of David look like the Swastika of Hitler.
Similarly, I know there are many practicing Jews who don’t accept the scandalous abuse and degradation of their great monotheistic religion by some cultist-minded “rabbis” and “religious leaders” who claim that Jews are outside the realm of human norms and that what applies to the rest of humanity doesn’t apply to them.
These people can only be commended for their honesty and morality. They are not the subject of this article. The subject is rather those powerful but deceitful Zionist leaders who claim to speak on behalf of Jews and Judaism while allowing themselves to sink in a sea of hypocrisy, mendacity and moral depravity.......
But this is a two-way street that is not confined to Christianity and Islam and other religions. Jews also have much to do in this regard. The reincorporation of the scandalously anti-Christian text of “Chesronot Shas” into the Talmud also hurts Christian feelings, and if Jews are truly serious about inter-religious harmony, they, too, should reform their ancient books, which by the way had nothing to do with the authentic religion that Moses preached and taught.....
Indeed, a mere glance at Talmudic texts, such as Shulhan Aruch and Chesronot Shas, which views Jesus Christ as “child of adultery” and his mother, Mary, as a “ whore,” is far more injurious to Christians than any “greed charges” leveled by a polish priest against Jews. According to Israel’s Shahak’s Jewish History, Jewish Religion: The Weight of Three Thousand Years, the Talmud states that “Jesus’s punishment in hell is to be immersed in boiling excrement.”
Moreover, ha’Tanya, the fundamentalist book of the Habad (Chabad) movement, which is one of the most important branches of Hassidism, states that all non-Jews are totally Satanic creatures in whom there is absolutely nothing good. “Even a non-Jewish embryo is qualitatively different from a Jewish one. The very existence of non-Jews is inessential, whereas all of the creation was created solely for the sake of Jews.”
Of course, these are not irrelevant, anachronistic or even anecdotal texts that some Zionist apologists would claim. In fact, these books are manuals for action for hundreds of thousands of Jewish settlers, including cabinet ministers and army generals who view non-Jews, e.g. Arabs, as lesser human beings or even animals in a human form......
In short, Zionism, especially religious-Zionism, can’t have it both ways. They can’t rail and rant and rave against anti-Semitism, real or imagined, while they themselves indulge in a far more virulent racism against non-Jews. This is a two-way street, and non-Jews are not children of a lesser God. "
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