Zionism Pimping Jewish girls out to America’s young men
A very Good Piece
Khalid Amayreh in Occupied Jerusalem
"In a brazen effort to make Israel’s Nazi-like oppression of Palestinians look romantic, seductive and sexy, the quasi- pornographic American magazine, Maxim, has featured a photo-spread of topless and semi-nude Israeli female soldiers, apparently in order to show Israel’s “human side.”
On the magazine’s on-line edition, the following introductory phrase “ Are the women of the Israeli Defense Forces the world’s sexiest? Yes, ” is printed next to a semi-naked IDF female soldier......
Maxim targets young American men and is believed to attract as many as 200,000 readers. Hence the obscene feat of utilizing the naked bodies of young Israeli women to trick young Yankees to “fall in love” with the Wehrmacht and Gestapo of our time, the Israeli occupation army.
According to Israeli officials in charge of hasbara (propaganda) efforts, the message behind the pornographic advertisement is to show America’s youngsters that the “Jewish” state is not only about violence, death and conflict......
The Nazi blondes, after all, were probably sexier and far more beautiful than their Israeli counterparts. But they failed to save the Third Reich. The same thing can be said about Israeli sex objects, whose evil state and evil army are no less than a reincarnation of Nazi Germany and its army.
Apart from the depravity of Zionist mentality, it is hard to understand how pimping young Jewish girls out to American “studs” will improve Israel’s image in the US and convince Americans, young and old, men and women, that Israel is “a light upon nations” and “the apple of God’s right eye,” as the Kookians of Gush Emunim keep telling us.....
The public selling of Israeli women’s flesh for political expediency is, of course, by no means a new invention. Israel and Zionism resorted to this cheap tactic from the very inception of Zionism. During the two decades preceding the creation of the “Jewish” state, the Zionist movement relied heavily on the “whores of Zion” to trick Arab landowners into selling or ceding their land to the Jewish Agency.....
The sleazy but effective tactic continues to be used by the Israeli state, especially the Shin Beth, Israel’s domestic security agency. Indeed, since 1967, when Israel occupied the West Bank, Gaza Strip and East Jerusalem, the Shin Beth used “Iskat” or sexual blackmail to recruit informers, middle-men whose main job is to purchase land and property from Arabs in order to transfer it later to Jewish ownership.....
I personally know a man in the Hebron region who was arrested, sedated and filmed with a whore, and when the Israeli Shin Beth officer eventually sought to blackmail him into selling his land, the man stood bravely, telling the officer, “ do what you may, expose me, I don’t care, but I won’t give you my land.”
Of course, Zionism’s moral cheapness doesn’t stop at using the bodies of women to reap propagandistic and other benefits.
Zionism lies and steals and murders. This is Zionism’s unholy trinity. This is why it is very difficult, if not impossible, to make peace with Zionism. This is why Zionism must be dismantled before we can even dream of real peace in Palestine and the Middle East."
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