Ahmadinejad in a Landmark Trip to Iraq on Sunday
"28/02/2008 Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad makes a landmark trip to Iraq on Sunday seeking to show that Iran is an influential player in Iraqi politics which the United States can ill afford to isolate or ignore.
The first visit by an Iranian president since the 1979 Islamic revolution aims to boost business and other ties. But the significance of the two-day trip, say analysts and diplomats, is that it is happening at all when Washington accuses Tehran of supplying weapons to resistance groups that are killing US occupation troops. Tehran denies such charges.
"The main issue will be the foreign policy success of going to Iraq and coming back ... under the eyes of the Americans, when the Americans are talking about isolating Iran," said one Western diplomat in Tehran.
In a bid to help quell violence in Iraq, Iran and the United States have held three rounds of rare face-to-face talks. But Iran put off a fourth round because of technical issues.
Tehran is keen to have good ties with all Iraqi factions. Iran and Iraq have already begun talks on trade, energy cooperation and a long-running border row. "
It seems that the Great Satan living next door is nice and cuddly after all! Enjoy the US protection and the dinner in the Green Zone, Mr. President. Hope your mutual puppet, Maliki, is doing well!
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