Will Americans embrace "the strenuous life"?
By Justin Raimondo
"American advocates of imperialism have been few and far between, and we have to go all the way back to the latter years of the 19th century and the early years of the 20th to unearth the most explicit. Theodore Roosevelt is perhaps the best known, but there were others.....
This is going to be a very interesting presidential election year. For the first time, a presidential candidate is going to campaign on a platform of open, out-of-the-closet imperialism. A war-weary nation will be hectored endlessly by McCain, and exhorted to "sacrifice" – when their homes are being foreclosed. The Republicans' only hope, it seems to me, is copying the Clintons' smear campaign against Barack Obama and hoping that America will never elect a black man with a middle name like "Hussein" and a last name that rhymes with "Osama." That photo of Obama in what one Clintonite referred to as "his native garb" will come in handy, I'm sure."
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